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Missing Terms related to Marital Status #568

Open alliyya opened 8 months ago

alliyya commented 8 months ago

I don't know how these terms got missed!

They've been extracted before oddly enough just never made it into the Ontology therefore never in the Vocabulary.



I don't think these fit in any subproperty hierarchy but if you find a suitable parent property/class add that relationship.

Predicate: cwrc:hasMaritalStatusChange Context Predicate: cwrc:maritalStatusChange

Class: cwrc:MaritalStatusChange


The definitions were pulled from the biography spreadsheet, the property URIs are slightly different as these are what was extracted, so I assume that's more up to date than the sheet.

@SusanBrown Could you re-review these terms and definitions and then we can have @jingyilong update the Ontology/Vocabulary, Thanks!

alliyya commented 7 months ago

Any update on the above? Thanks!

alliyya commented 6 months ago

Realized we have marriage defined in the Vocabularies

But we do not have separation or divorce defined.

I will be using placeholder terms in the meantime. Uncertain if I'll make it up or use an external identifier.

SusanBrown commented 6 months ago

How about these?

Divorce: A relationship resulting from the legal dissolution of a marriage through civil or religious processes.

Separation: A informal or legal relationship in which a married couple who are not divorced cease to function as married.

In the vocabulary, both should remain categorized as interpersonal relationships, I think, but not as intimate ones although in some cases a relationship will be both.