cwru-hvz-core / cwru-hvz-source

Case Western's Implementation of a Humans vs. Zombies tracking engine.
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Organizational Memory #38

Open iandimayuga opened 13 years ago

iandimayuga commented 13 years ago

Base Mission "templates" that can be applied to any game. They should have comments and analysis of previous implementations of the missions and when they can best be applied in the game.

Strictly gameplay, of course--storyline can be different every time.

tdooner commented 13 years ago

I envision this as a "Mission Library" similar to the list of missions already in the site, but only visible to game administrators. Any admin can add a mission to the library, and any game mission should have a link for "Copy to Mission Library".

Other types of organizational memory can be taken care of by having the history of previous games on the site.