cwru-hvz-core / cwru-hvz-source

Case Western's Implementation of a Humans vs. Zombies tracking engine.
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Avatar support (gravatar?) #5

Open phoenixeliot opened 13 years ago

phoenixeliot commented 13 years ago

Add support for avatar uploading and/or (I vote for 'and') gravatar support a la

tdooner commented 13 years ago

I second this. When this is implemented, a column should be made in the "Persons" table for "gravatar_url".

phoenixeliot commented 13 years ago

Do we want to store the URL of the image, or the email of the gravatar account? Both can find the image, but if we store the email we can display it to the user should they want to edit it. URLs for gravatar don't look reversible, so to speak.

Also, the gravatar gem looks the images up by email, I wouldn't be sure how to get and store the URL easily.

tdooner commented 13 years ago

Okay, make that gravatar_email. I think it's just an MD5() of the e-mail anyway, so either way should work.

But yeah, a big "feature" of the current HvZ Source site is the ability to upload your own pic -- so that should definitely stay as well.

phoenixeliot commented 13 years ago

Ah, yes, it is MD5.