cxa / lsp-biome

lsp-mode client for Biome
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Doesn't show up as a client for TSX files even though biome is installed #4

Open vikigenius opened 4 days ago

vikigenius commented 4 days ago

I checked my node_modules and I do have biome installed


I use doom emacs and install biome like this

In my packages.el I have

(package! lsp-biome :recipe (:host github :repo "cxa/lsp-biome"))

And then in my config I have

(use-package! lsp-biome)

I see that the package is installed because I am able to see commands like


But the server is not being started?

vikigenius commented 4 days ago

Found the issue looks like

Means that this fails if there is no config file.

vikigenius commented 4 days ago

Also after fixing this issue by having a dummy config file. I am getting a

Error running timer: (void-variable apheleia-formatters)

cxa commented 4 days ago

Means that this fails if there is no config file

Yes we need a config file to work, no plan to support config-less because it's not recommended way.

Error running timer: (void-variable apheleia-formatters)

We only access this variable when apheleia-mode is running. Check your apheleia config.