cxw42 / TabFern

Google Chrome extension for saving and restoring sets of tabs, and for switching between windows and tabs from a vertical, grouped list.
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Support exporting and importing windows data from plain text #219

Open HikariWS opened 4 years ago

HikariWS commented 4 years ago

I recently started using TabFern. I've been using Tabs Outliner for a few years, currently I have almost a thousand tabs on it and am trying to replace it because it's closed sourced and its owner is gone.

Before discovering TabFern, I've been using OneTab for a few weeks. Instead of backup and restore, it has export and import feature. It uses a textarea to provide a plain text listing all tabs, and another for placing a list to be imported.

As I have almost a thousand tabs on Tabs Outliner, I decided to organize my tabs on a mind mapping tool. Each node is a tabs group, then on its note I place the plain text with the list of tabs. This requires a lot of clicks to handle, but provides me an astonishing powerful way to organize my tabs.

TabFern is more user friendly than OneTab and I'd like to drop it. I'd be able to, if TabFern has this import and export feature.

This relates to #218 I just created. The import/export text can use the same json format used on backup, as it's easier to manually edit. Just format it with indents for better human readability.

I know these 2 issues demand a lot of work, I'd like to donate to support the development, as TabFern is the most promising replacement for TO and I'm loving its Usability!

cxw42 commented 4 years ago

Thank you for your kind words! At the moment, I'm shorter on time than money, so what I need most are people who know some JavaScript to help out. You don't have to be an expert! :) If you could star TF and let people know about the project, that would be great!

Pretty-printing the existing export is fairly easy, as I recall. You can also do so from the command line using jq on Linux/Cygwin/WSL.

HikariWS commented 3 years ago

lol I totally understand what u mean regarding time.

When I get some personal stuff sorted out, I might study what tools are needed to develop and test chromium extensions.

If we have a function to convert TabFern's data structure to txt, and another to read it back, it'd be the first step for both backup and sync.

Vivaldi Sync supports extensions data, IDK how it'd work with TabFern. Tabs Outliner I believe uses GDrive webservice to post and get directly from it. That's great, as we can use it for making historical backup too and restore from it. I guess Drobox has the same feature.

HikariWS commented 3 years ago

Sorry, when I made that comment I totally forgot that TabFern's data is already able to be written and read from txt, in its backup.