cxw42 / TabFern

Google Chrome extension for saving and restoring sets of tabs, and for switching between windows and tabs from a vertical, grouped list.
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[Feature Request] Move multiple tabs at a time? #220

Open jonnyasmar opened 4 years ago

jonnyasmar commented 4 years ago

(Also requested by James Chase Apr 12, 2021 --Ed.)

So, I often start browsing on some unrelated topic in already saved windows. Once I realize I've started doing this and the topic I was browsing on warrants it's own workspace, I usually like to move the tabs into their own window and save it.

This can get really tedious...

It would be awesome if there was a way to select multiple tabs in the TabFern window and drag them all together to a new window.

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cxw42 commented 4 years ago

That would be great! Contributions welcome :) . (Although if you happen to have any time for other OSS hacking, I could really use some assistance on #35.)

My own workaround for this is to open two Chrome windows and use Chrome's multi-tab dragging (shift-click) to move the tabs between windows. That is definitely not the ideal workflow.

Related to #64. What kind of workflow/UI would you want for multi-tab movement? Multiselect + drag, checkboxes, ... ?

philiprhoades commented 4 years ago
