cxw42 / TabFern

Google Chrome extension for saving and restoring sets of tabs, and for switching between windows and tabs from a vertical, grouped list.
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Indicate discarded tabs in the tree #279

Open cxw42 opened 2 years ago

cxw42 commented 2 years ago

chrome://discards Tabs with Loading State = loaded (or loading and such) will use resources, as you can see on the task manager (shift-escape) tabs that are unloaded (either due to not having been activated yet in the context of lazy loading, or having been discarded, which sets Lifecycle State to discarded) will not use resources. Edge makes extensive use of 'sleeping' tabs, which visually appear discarded but aren't.

For implementations of this (not saying Tab Fern should actively discard any tabs!), you can see

Originally posted by @Luckz in

cxw42 commented 2 years ago

When I discard tabs using auto-tab-discard, it puts a :zzz: in the title:


I don't know if that is done by Chrome or by auto-tab-discard.

Luckz commented 2 years ago

That is a (default) option of ATD and has nothing to do with Chrome's API. Greying out the tab favicon is also an ATD feature/option. You can use the 'urgent discard' button on chrome://discards to see for yourself that (besides for customized Chromiums like Edge and Vivaldi) there is no visual cue whether a tab is loaded / unloaded, discarded, etc. Only currently loading tabs are typically indicated by an animation.

cxw42 commented 2 years ago

@Luckz thanks for the clarification! I agree showing this in TF would be reasonable. I would like it to be controlled by a user option.