cxw42 / TabFern

Google Chrome extension for saving and restoring sets of tabs, and for switching between windows and tabs from a vertical, grouped list.
169 stars 27 forks source link

[Update Readme] How this is any different from Tab outliner? readme doesn't inform! #284

Closed Droyk closed 2 years ago

Droyk commented 2 years ago

There should be a section that says what are the key diff. b/w the tab fern & tab outliner? both in the extension store & readme section. It should clearly say why would a user want to jump to tab fern when they are already using tab outliner? why did you make it? when tab outliner is already great & working? what do you want to achieve? What are its key advantages over tab outliner?

cxw42 commented 2 years ago

@Droyk thanks for the suggestion --- that's an interesting idea! To answer one of your questions, I started writing TF when a Chrome update broke TO and I realized that my workload depended on a tab organizer :) .

Droyk commented 2 years ago

@Droyk thanks for the suggestion --- that's an interesting idea! To answer one of your questions, I started writing TF when a Chrome update broke TO and I realized that my workload depended on a tab organizer :).

such a vague reply mate. I still don't understand why should I be using this extension when a good working extension already exists! what is wrong with that one! how your extension is different? please tell me why should I or anyone who uses TO religiously jump to this project? what kind of advantages does it offer compared to TO?

that's an interesting idea!

You're mistaken about this. it isn't an interesting idea! this should've been your very first thought! why I'm gonna make this? what TO doesn't have? why an old user of TO's want to transition to TF? what is this alternative wants to achieve?

you said the chrome update broke TO. pretty sure must have happened seems to happen to me almost every quarter or 2 but that's why I have daily backups so why should I start using TF? & it's not like TO isn't being updated last I checked it updated like 9 months ago. Dev only gives updates annually I'm okay with it. it has too many users for the dev. to abandon it!

You said "TO" broke after a chrome update. well, the same will happen with your extension something will break it too? So Why Should I start using your extension when I already know that there is a 100% chance that the same will break this tooo.

Droyk commented 2 years ago

did you make this extension to see if you can make it possible? to prove this to yourself? if it is then that's great. but should mention that on the chrome extension page!

LeeBreisacher commented 2 years ago

My 2 cents... There is a huge gaping problem with TO: The creator has completely abandoned it as far as I can tell. There have been no updates for years, they never answer questions or problems. There have been requests to make the source available so others could take over ownership, no response. TBH, I continue to use TO (because, frankly, I have not had time to try out TF for real, and I get the sense it is not complete enough, functionality-wise?), but I live in fear that some Chrome update is going to break TO for everyone and the creator will be nowhere, then suddenly we're all screwed. That's why TF (or similar) is so important.

Droyk commented 2 years ago

My 2 cents... There is a huge gaping problem with TO: The creator has completely abandoned it as far as I can tell. There have been no updates for years.

the last update was on April 7, 2021 doesn't really seem like abandoned for years to me but I can relate update needs to be a bit quicker. he usually updates it annually.

they never answer questions or problems.

This is true yes, the dev hardly answers any!

but I live in fear that some Chrome update is going to break TO for everyone and the creator will be nowhere, then suddenly we're all screwed. That's why TF (or similar) is so important.

Okay, that's should've been mentioned. I get it an active open-sourced alternative to Tab outliner seems great to me. but @cxw42 should mention it on the top of the readme & chrome extension page of what it actually is "Similar to Tab outliner the only thing this alternative is good at is being in active development and being open source. right now it doesn't offer any other great functionalities that don't already come with Tab Outliner! but it will in the coming future!" so keep watching!

& That's all it needs @cxw42 please add the above on the very top of both the readme & chrome extension page. coz I or any other user coming from tab Outliner don't want to see it at the very bottom or in the middle that seems very ingenious to me when you know you copied the whole UI of it! so please mention what it is? & what it is not in its current state!

Droyk commented 2 years ago

@LeeBreisacher in contrast to yours @cxw42 reply felt incomplete. I just wanted to know why should I need to transition to this! Thank you for enlightenment I guess!

wrgrant commented 2 years ago

@Droyk your initial idea is good, but your follow up comments are incredibly rude and demanding for an open source project. English may not be your first language, but take some notes on the pushback you are getting here.

I just wanted to know why should I need to transition to this!

You don't. Do whatever you want.

This book may change your life: "How to win friends and influence people" by Dale Carnegie.

If you truly see the market desperate for this information, I would suggest you exercise TF fully, and create your own blog post or youtube video on why one would jump from TO. Put in some effort where you see information missing.

This is a side project by a dude who is clearly busy with real life (as is TO it seems). How about sending @cxw42 a thanks for creating a viable alternative to what clearly is a necessary piece of software for you?

Droyk commented 2 years ago


but your follow up comments are incredibly rude and demanding for an open source project.

I came out a bit harsh but to say demanding when I'm only asking simple explanation here if someone making an extension avail. for other users to use than the very least, it should be the creator's responsibility to provide some FAQs!

You don't. Do whatever you want.

Well If I'm a creator doing this I won't get a good userbase. hiding things isn't a great way to start an open-source project. if your product is very similar to an already established product you should at the very least tell why and for what reason you have created this extension for?

If you truly see the market desperate for this information, I would suggest you exercise TF fully, and create your own blog post or youtube video on why one would jump from TO. Put in some effort where you see information missing.

Disagree should've been the developer's first thought before releasing the extension to the mass public nobody needs to waste their time on this simple information! That's what README is for I did raise an issue about it! I did my maximum now I don't want to provide over maximum to something which isn't even close in functionality to the original! I've checked the issues tracker loaded with major bugs. The feature gap is still there for over a year. it will get better till then I don't see any reason to waste my time on it! Maybe once it gets better I'll donate money to it to keep it alive & that's it!

@cxw42 a thanks for creating a viable alternative to what clearly is a necessary piece of software for you?

if the creator creates a bug-free active session manager then yes the creator deserves a big thank you. otherwise, I don't really think so I'm not using it right now at least until some major bugs get fixed & some features are added. otherwise, it's a self-learning project. I don't think anyone needs to be forced to say thank you to it. also, it's better to say that after than before! if the creator doesn't maintain it properly doesn't deserve one! coz then it would be a time wastage for both the dev. and the users who were hoping Day/night if the development can reach the Level of TO and to get to see better extension overall. (& by thank you I mean both by donation & 5 stars in the chrome extension store)

& it's not in the condition to say it's a viable alternative. many of the features are missing though I do use other tab session managers so If one goes away I have alternatives! it's not a necessary piece of plugin at least in its current condition but it can change in the future though!

This book may change your life: "How to win friends and influence people" by Dale Carnegie.

I don't know man, I hate social engineering. I like to be blunt! better for my own mental health! now if people don't like it then I can't do anything about it! why sweet coat it? better to be direct! it's much less pressure to get to be liked by everyone!

cxw42 commented 2 years ago

@wrgrant @LeeBreisacher thanks for the positive feedback!