cxw42 / TabFern

Google Chrome extension for saving and restoring sets of tabs, and for switching between windows and tabs from a vertical, grouped list.
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Option to open tabs on double click instead of single click #64

Open cxw42 opened 7 years ago

cxw42 commented 7 years ago

Are there any other double-click actions of interest?

Requested by LateNightHacks via user review 2017/10/14.

Note: looks fairly straightforward

ShervinM commented 6 years ago

maybe something like, ctrl+double click to open the tab in a new window or clone it? not sure how useful it would be I was just trying to get away from the single click action/execution. it's not the best for security to have things open up/run on single click, also not really the best in UIX design

cxw42 commented 6 years ago

Thinking about it, I can break down actions two ways:

I appreciate the point that changing working set with only one click can sometimes be problematic (see also #51). What about changing visibility? Would single-click to focus an already-open tab make sense, or should all actions be double-click or modifier+click?

I will likely continue with the existing behaviour even after this is implemented. :) Therefore, feel free to specify exactly what you'd like to see in this option --- I am unlikely to argue.

ShervinM commented 6 years ago

no action on click itself I guess, I think single click and drag to move the nodes is probably the best way to go about it. I use that extensively (in TO) to organise branches, making sub-branches and in general organising the sea of tabs that I often have open/saved into a somewhat coherent chunks of information. (at the moment I have over 3500 nodes on TO..... branching made that possible)

philiprhoades commented 6 years ago

@cxw42 Chris, with TFSwitch I can right click and move the window to the top, but it would be nice to be able to have HOT KEYS for nearly everything to avoid using the mouse:

cxw42 commented 6 years ago

I also like keyboard shortcuts. They are #28 - I will edit the title to make that more obvious.

philiprhoades commented 5 years ago
