cxxxr / valtan

Common Lisp to JavaScript compiler
226 stars 5 forks source link

Add demo to github-pages #6

Open cxxxr opened 4 years ago

kasajian commented 4 years ago

It's no longer impressive to simply transpile a language to JavaScript. Not in the age of webassembly. The first big question is how big is the payload on the JavaScript side? Is there a large "runtime" embedded even for the smallest pay load? Your competing with Svelte

cxxxr commented 4 years ago

It's no longer impressive to simply transpile a language to JavaScript.

I'm with you. Translate to javascript is just a means to use Common Lisp on browser.

The valtan footprint is one of the challenges. Currently the output size of JS will be several MB. Clojurescript can be reduced to several KB by using the closure compiler, so I would like to refer to this.