cyang-kth / fmm

Fast map matching, an open source framework in C++
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Working on CSV point file with timestamp #172

Closed Mohammed-9089 closed 3 years ago

Mohammed-9089 commented 3 years ago

Hi, I'm working on CSV point file of (Xi'an city), which prepared as required containing (id, x, y, and timestamp) separated by ";" as the follows: id;x;y;timestamp 8919;108.99553;34.27859;1539041301 8919;108.99552;34.27822;1539041304 8919;108.99552;34.27786;1539041307 8919;108.99552;34.27748;1539041310 8919;108.99551;34.27708;1539041313

So, I wanted to map-match a CSV point file via the following commands: Input_config as : input_config = GPSConfig() input_config.file = '...../File_with_id.csv' = "id" input_config.x = "x" input_config.y = "y" input_config.timestamp = "timestamp"

print input_config.to_string()

gps file :...... /File_with_id.csv id column : id geom column : geom timestamp column : timestamp x column : x y column : y GPS point : false

Then: status = model.match_gps_file(input_config, result_config, fmm_config) But I got the following error: RuntimeError: Id id or Geometry column geom not found Please can you tell me how can I fix this problem? @cyang-kth Note: every time I get this (GPS point : false), is there any problem with this. Thanks in advance......!!!

cyang-kth commented 3 years ago


input_config.gps_point = true
Mohammed-9089 commented 3 years ago

Yes it work fine, Thank you very much...... :100: