cyang-kth / fmm

Fast map matching, an open source framework in C++
Apache License 2.0
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Not matching even a single point #185

Closed cvmlddev closed 3 years ago

cvmlddev commented 3 years ago

Describe the bug Used the following steps to run fmm

  1. cd example/command_line_example
  2. ubodt_gen --network ../data/test/edges.shp --output ubodt.txt --delta 3
  3. fmm --ubodt ubodt.txt --network ../data/test/edges.shp --gps ../data/test/trips.shp -k 4 -r 0.4 -e 0.5 --output mr.txt

Getting the following output [info][fmm_app_config.cpp:49 ] Start reading FMM configuration from arguments [info][fmm_app_config.cpp:78 ] Finish with reading FMM arg configuration [info][fmm_app_config.cpp:98 ] ---- Print configuration ---- [info][network_config.cpp:6 ] NetworkConfig [info][network_config.cpp:7 ] File name: ../data/test/Jamshedpur/edges.shp [info][network_config.cpp:8 ] ID name: fid [info][network_config.cpp:9 ] Source name: u [info][network_config.cpp:10 ] Target name: v [info][gps_config.cpp:13 ] GPS format: CSV trajectory [info][gps_config.cpp:14 ] File name: ../data/test/jamshedpur_gps_output.csv [info][gps_config.cpp:15 ] ID name: id [info][gps_config.cpp:16 ] Geom name: geom [info][gps_config.cpp:17 ] Timestamp name: timestamp [info][result_config.cpp:34 ] ResultConfig [info][result_config.cpp:35 ] File: mr.txt [info][result_config.cpp:36 ] Fields: cpath mgeom [info][fmm_algorithm.cpp:27 ] FMMAlgorithmConfig [info][fmm_algorithm.cpp:29 ] k 4 radius 0.4 gps_error 0.5 reverse_tolerance 0.3 [info][fmm_app_config.cpp:103] Log level 2-info [info][fmm_app_config.cpp:104] Step 100 [info][fmm_app_config.cpp:105] Use omp false [info][fmm_app_config.cpp:106] ---- Print configuration done ---- [warning][result_config.cpp:221] Overwrite existing result file mr.txt [info][network.cpp:72 ] Read network from file ../data/test/Jamshedpur/edges.shp [info][network.cpp:170] Number of edges 5209 nodes 1909 [info][network.cpp:172] Field index: id 14 source 11 target 12 [info][network.cpp:174] Read network done. [info][network_graph.cpp:17 ] Construct graph from network edges start [info][network_graph.cpp:30 ] Graph nodes 1909 edges 5209 [info][network_graph.cpp:31 ] Construct graph from network edges end [info][ubodt.cpp:208] Reading UBODT file (CSV format) from ubodt.txt [info][ubodt.cpp:236] Read rows 1000000 [info][ubodt.cpp:236] Read rows 2000000 [info][ubodt.cpp:236] Read rows 3000000 [info][ubodt.cpp:243] Finish reading UBODT with rows 3629046 [info][ubodt.cpp:202] Read UBODT file in 3.143 seconds [info][gps_reader.cpp:341] GPS data in trajectory CSV format [warning][gps_reader.cpp:141] Timestamp column timestamp not found [info][gps_reader.cpp:144] Id index 1 Geometry index 2 Timstamp index -1 [info][fmm_app.cpp:27 ] Progress report step 100 [info][fmm_app.cpp:29 ] Start to match trajectories [info][fmm_app.cpp:58 ] Run map matching in single thread [info][fmm_app.cpp:61 ] Progress 0 [info][fmm_app.cpp:75 ] MM process finished [info][fmm_app.cpp:79 ] Time takes 0.012 [info][fmm_app.cpp:80 ] Time takes excluding input 0.002 [info][fmm_app.cpp:82 ] Finish map match total points 159 matched 0 [info][fmm_app.cpp:83 ] Matched percentage: 0 [info][fmm_app.cpp:84 ] Point match speed: 0 [info][fmm_app.cpp:86 ] Point match speed (excluding input): 0 [info][fmm_app.cpp:87 ] Time takes 0.012

.shp network file was generatd using OSMNX as mentioned in .csv trip file was generated by converting using the tool

Link to files

Expected behavior Expecting to get a match

Screenshots The pink line is the gpx file, In the background is the OSM .shp file . Clearly, 0 matches is not correct

Screenshot 2021-03-20 at 6 05 47 PM
cvmlddev commented 3 years ago

Solved it by reversing Lat long order.

LidaGuo1999 commented 3 years ago

Sorry, but I don't know what do you mean by reversing Lat long order. Can you explain it more specifically?