cyang-kth / fmm

Fast map matching, an open source framework in C++
Apache License 2.0
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About cpath #216

Closed HajimeSeya closed 2 years ago

HajimeSeya commented 2 years ago

Hi, thank you for sharing this wonderful software.

With open data, "Dataset for testing and training map-matching methods" I implemented the fmm and used the data from "00000001". The data converted to a shapefile is copied here.

The problem I am facing is shown in the attached. results.pdf The "cpath" from edge 139208 should go to 8970 via 133950, but it skips 133950. (The content seems to be identical to “opath”). I have checked the geometry, source and target of shape file, and everything seems to be fine for this place. The settings I used are shown below for reference. Do you have any idea why this is happening?

ubodt_gen --network edges.shp --output ubodt.txt --delta 0.03 fmm --ubodt ubodt.txt --network edges.shp --gps 00000001.csv --gps_point -k 8 -r 0.01 -e 0.0001 --output mr.txt --reverse_tolerance 0.3 --output_fields cpath

cyang-kth commented 2 years ago

In your example, the GPS id field is used to determine the trajectory from the GPS points, you have a single trajectory so you need to have the same ID, but different timestamps.

HajimeSeya commented 2 years ago

I am very sorry, I understand that.