cyang-kth / fmm

Fast map matching, an open source framework in C++
Apache License 2.0
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Segmentation fault(Core Dumped) #30

Closed Misavan closed 5 years ago

Misavan commented 5 years ago


When I run fmm it says Segmentation fault(Core Dumped).

`$ fmm fmm_config.xml ------------ Fast map matching (FMM) ------------ ------------ Author: Can Yang ------------ ------------ Version: 2018.03.09 ------------ ------------ Applicaton: fmm ------------ Start reading FMM configuration Finish with reading FMM configuration Validating configuration for map match application: Warning, overwrite existing result Validating success.

Configuration parameters for map matching application: Network_file: data/edges_small.shp Network id: id Network source: source Network target: target ubodt_file: ubodt.txt multiplier: 100 nhash: 23100 delta: undefined, to be inferred from ubodt file ubodt format(1 binary, 0 csv): 0 gps_file: data/trips_small.shp gps_id: id k: 10 radius: 4 gps_error: 50 penalty_factor: 0 result_file: mr.txt Output fields:
ogeom opath pgeom offset error spdist cpath tpath mgeom

Read network shp file from data/edges_small.shp Id column id Number of edges in file: 52 SHP ID idx: 0 SHP source idx: 1 SHP target idx: 2 Geometry type is Line String SRID is 4326 Read network finish. The maximum node ID is 686801 Total number of edges read 52 Start to construct boost rtree Finish construct boost rtree Reading UBODT file (CSV format) from: ubodt.txt Header line skipped. Number of rows read 310 Estimated load factor #elements/#tablebuckets 0.0134199 Finish reading UBODT. Delta inferred from ubodt as 0.00980391 Reading meta data of GPS trajectories from: data/trips_small.shp Index of ID column: 0 Total number of trajectories: 81 Finish reading meta data Write result to file: mr.txt Start to map match trajectories with total number 81 Progress 0 / 81 Segmentation fault (core dumped) ` Ubodt worked fine

`$ ubodt_gen ubodt_config.xml ------------ Fast map matching (FMM) ------------ ------------ Author: Can Yang ------------ ------------ Version: 2018.03.09 ------------ ------------Application: ubodt_gen_opt------------ Read configuration from xml file: ubodt_config.xml Validating configuration for UBODT construction: Warning, overwrite existing result file.ubodt.txt Validating success.

Configuration parameters for UBODT construction: Network_file: data/edges_small.shp Network id: id Network source: source Network target: target delta: 0.01 Output file: ubodt.txt Output format(1 binary, 0 csv): 0

Write UBODT to file ubodt.txt Read network shp file from data/edges_small.shp Id column id Number of edges in file: 52 SHP ID idx: 0 SHP source idx: 1 SHP target idx: 2 Geometry type is Line String SRID is 4326 Read network finish. The maximum node ID is 686801 Total number of edges read 52 Construct graph from network edges start Network edges :52 Graph nodes 53 Construct graph from network edges end Upperbound config (delta): 0.01 Start to generate UBODT with delta 0.01 Output format csv Progress 0 / 53 Progress 10 / 53 Progress 20 / 53 Progress 30 / 53 Progress 40 / 53 Progress 50 / 53 Time takes 0.007 Cleaning network Cleaning network finished ------------ Program finished ------------ `

Can you please tell me where is my issue. In attached is my data

Best regards, Michael

cyang-kth commented 5 years ago

Hi, @Misavan

There are two problems:

Screenshot from 2019-04-23 10-50-38

Misavan commented 5 years ago

Now I understand. Thank you very much for help