cyb3rko / flashdim

Modern flashlight app with dim functionality on Android 13+
Apache License 2.0
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New icon #14

Closed GGORG0 closed 1 year ago

GGORG0 commented 1 year ago

The old icon looked way better and, most importantly the current one doesn't support material you themed icons andbjust displays in black/white despite themed icons enabled in the launcher.

cyb3rko commented 1 year ago

Hi, I had to remake the icon because the old one had pretty bad quality.

I wanted to use vector graphics now so I had to create my own icon. Forgive me, I'm studying IT Security, I'm not a designer.

I most likely just forgot to add the themed icon again, coming back soon.

cyb3rko commented 1 year ago

Themed icon added back in in Version 1.3.7