cyb3rko / flashdim

Modern flashlight app with dim functionality on Android 13+
Apache License 2.0
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Volume button toggle function even with screen off #28

Open JanWaldhorn opened 10 months ago

JanWaldhorn commented 10 months ago

Great to see that it works with the volume buttons #26 in the latest version. One feature I only missed after uninstalling Torchi is the "screen off" feature. In my case, the screen is not always on and as soon as it is, the volume buttons trick no longer works. Would it be possible to add this as an option similar to Torchi?

cyb3rko commented 9 months ago

Hi. I've noticed that as well, just pressing the power button once should be enough to make it work again.
I don't really like the workaround with the zero-volume music to make it work with screen off.
But I will keep this issue open, let's see if I will be convinced at some point to implement that.

SecT0uch commented 6 months ago

I would also like this feature very much

k2helix commented 3 months ago

I don't really like the workaround with the zero-volume music to make it work with screen off.

Hi @cyb3rko, what's this zero-volume workaround you talked about? I'd like to know.

cyb3rko commented 1 month ago

@k2helix Torchie has this functionality.
You can read it about using the link given above

cyb3rko commented 1 month ago

I really don't like that workaround, as todays Android shows the currently played song.
That results in issues like that: