cyb3rko / pincredible

Modern and secure Android app to help you remember any PIN
Apache License 2.0
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Generate new fill #13

Closed serrq closed 1 year ago

serrq commented 1 year ago

Sometimes I noticed too much similar numbers close the cells.

Might you add "generate a new filling"?

cyb3rko commented 1 year ago

Hmm, didn't think about that yet as it does not have impact on obfuscation.
Atm that's technically not possible as I just fill an array of integers, so I do not store which one was put in by user and which was filled with randoms.

But that's possible to implement I guess.

cyb3rko commented 1 year ago

Implemented in Version 0.4.1

serrq commented 1 year ago

I discovered a reverse use of filling function. Help me to find a potentially utility.

I don't write anything within the table. Just I push fill and I get a full pattern.

So I thinked: how can I use it for generate a dymamic table like 2FA?

What do you think? Have you an alternative use of it?

cyb3rko commented 1 year ago

Hmm, I don't have an idea for alternative use of the table at the moment.