cyber2a / cyber2a-course

Online materials for the Cyber2A course on AI for Arctic research
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evaluate format options for learning materials #1

Open mbjones opened 11 months ago

mbjones commented 11 months ago

Previous courses we've taught have used various open formats for learning materials, including Quarto notebooks, Jupyter Notebooks, and RMarkdown notebooks. Other Learning Management Systems might also be of interest. Evaluate and decide on the format for course materials. Candidates:

The repository for the materials to be built is in

carmengg commented 11 months ago

Some pros and cons of using Quarto or Jupyter Books:

Jupyter Books



Cool examples Environmental Data Science Book Website Repository

Earth and Environmental Data Science Book Website Repository

Quarto Books



Cool examples Python for Data Analysis Website Repository

Arctic Data Center Scalable Computing Course Website Repository

carmengg commented 11 months ago

I also checked out Notion, the LMS Kate suggested. Seems like a great tool for organizing teams and sharing documentation. However, this doesn't seem like the best platform for sharing course content because there is no support for executable code. You can add code in-line and code-style cells using markdown, but there isn't a way to execute cells and render outputs.

carmengg commented 11 months ago

Also checked Discourse. This is a platform to create community forums. This seems like a great complement to an online book and, in general, to build the Cyber2A community. An example of how this could look like is the Discourse for the Pangeo community.

I looked through the plugins and this Calendar plugin seems like something we'd want so we can display the dates for the seminar and trainings, but only found this one. But at a closer look it does not seem quite like what we need (since every user can add to it) and it’s only available on the Business plan ($300/month).

mbjones commented 11 months ago

@carmengg I added a github action to build the example quarto book that you made and publish it to Github pages anytime someone pushes to the main branch. You can see:

We can link the book into the main Cyber2A web page later when it is more mature. Maybe it would be good to add a "DRAFT" indicator to the title and first page of the book?

carmengg commented 11 months ago

@mbjones Thanks for setting up the GitHub action and deploying it on GitHub pages. I added the Draft mention in the book and the README for this repo.

chiayuhsu commented 10 months ago

@carmengg, thanks for the detailed evaluation.

I think it might be worth considering a Learning Management System (LMS) or MOOC platforms for our Cyber2A course. While Quarto Books excel at interactive lectures, an LMS or MOOC could offer additional teaching and learning tools, such as grading and analytics.

LMS Pros and Cons:




Here's a preliminary comparison between MOOC platforms like Coursera, Udemy or Udacity and traditional LMSs like Moodle, Canvas, or Blackboard.

MOOC Pros:

MOOC Cons:

LMS Pros:

This list isn't exhaustive, but it should give us a good starting point for discussion.