I merged all the changes in Vault_FirewallNonStandardRules function
The report now displays the windows FireWall rule name and details and not only the details
the master key folder is now scanned for master key backups
main.ps1 and readme synced with the main branch
Vault_FirewallNonStandardRules function still has issue to parse the dbparm.ini firewall rules with the range of addresses with the next pattern [,] and port range patterns like 5985-5986
Desired Outcome
I merged all the changes in Vault_FirewallNonStandardRules function
The report now displays the windows FireWall rule name and details and not only the details
the master key folder is now scanned for master key backups
main.ps1 and readme synced with the main branch
Vault_FirewallNonStandardRules function still has issue to parse the dbparm.ini firewall rules with the range of addresses with the next pattern [,] and port range patterns like 5985-5986