GIVEN there is a community PR
AND two maintainers comment /approve-build [commit sha]
THEN the branch at [commit sha] is copied to a project branch and the pipeline is run to see if the build is green
AND if the branch is green and a maintainer comments /approve-merge [commit sha]
THEN the PR is approved to merge
AND if the head commit SHA on the PR changes from [commit sha]
THEN the PR is no longer approved to merge and the green build check from the pipeline no longer shows
GIVEN there is a community PR AND two maintainers comment
/approve-build [commit sha]
THEN the branch at[commit sha]
is copied to a project branch and the pipeline is run to see if the build is green AND if the branch is green and a maintainer comments/approve-merge [commit sha]
THEN the PR is approved to merge AND if the head commit SHA on the PR changes from[commit sha]
THEN the PR is no longer approved to merge and the green build check from the pipeline no longer shows