Both list tests have limit=10000 that's not in expected URIs
verify<>Info is the same for both
Test was assuming that offset and limit were variable in the API. They are static.
ListResources at the lowest level was not static, BUT for listing resources at the Variable and User level, there was no parameter that would go all the way down to Resources.ListResources to make limit and offset dynamic
Tests do not account for the multiple calls the ListResources method makes.
ListResources will make calls until the returned call has a count of 0, so a second call will be made that has a count of 0 for these tests but with an offset equal to limit
These 3 all use GetToken() which uses HttpWebRequest request = WebRequest.CreateHttp(this.uri), and it's not configured in WebMocker.
Cannot override the CreateHttp method to return a mocked HttpWebRequest object because "cannot override inherited member, because it is not marked abstract, virtual or override"
[x] api-dotnet.test.Conjur.Test.VariablesTest.GetVariableTest
[x] api-dotnet.test.Conjur.Test.UserTest.ListUserTest
[x] api-dotnet.test.Conjur.Test.VariablesTest.ListVariableTest
[x] api-dotnet.test.Conjur.Test.ClientTest.ActingAsTest
Separate Issues Created
[ ] api-dotnet.test.Conjur.Test.AuthenticatorTest.TestTokenCaching
[ ] api-dotnet.test.Conjur.Test.AuthenticatorTest.TestTokenThreadSafe
[ ] api-dotnet.test.Conjur.Test.ClientTest.TestLogin
[ ] api-dotnet.test.Conjur.Test.HostFactoryTest.TestCreateHost
[ ] api-dotnet.test.Conjur.Test.ResourceTest.TestCheck