cyberark / conjur

CyberArk Conjur automatically secures secrets used by privileged users and machine identities
757 stars 122 forks source link

(GA) Make cyberark-secrets-provider-for-k8s as public repo #1185

Closed nessiLahav closed 4 years ago

nessiLahav commented 5 years ago


requirements for making repos public:

sigalsax commented 5 years ago

To make a repo public we need to follow the following:

** !!! Have the following ready before posting in channel

sigalsax commented 5 years ago

Open questions:

  1. This project needs a URL. Is the URL just the GH URL?
  2. How to add maintainers to project to get GH updates regarding 3rd party vulnerabilities?
  3. Do we need an acknowledgement page? @InbalZilberman
  4. What versions of Conjur does this project support? Kubernetes? K8s secrets? @InbalZilberman
  5. For GA, we need to meet these requirements. Have we had an official security review by @shaharglazner? @InbalZilberman
sigalsax commented 4 years ago

@hughsaunders noted:

pre-push scan only checks commits that have changed, when preparing to open source a repo, a full history scan should be run to check there are no credentials buried in the history command: gitleaks --repo-path . --config .gitleaks.toml

Adding this check to the list of requirements above