cyberark / conjur

CyberArk Conjur automatically secures secrets used by privileged users and machine identities
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Conjur missing `!:!:root` on call to roles endpoint #2050

Closed telday closed 3 years ago

telday commented 3 years ago


When the /roles/{account}/{kind}/{identifier}?all endpoint is queried in Conjur the resulting list should contain !:!:root however it does not.

NOTE: This behavior is exclusive to Conjur, it does not occur when running against a DAP instance.

Steps to Reproduce

Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Start an instance of Conjur using the -a flag to specify an account
  2. Open a CLI instance and authenticate with the Conjur server
  3. Perform the following request:
    $ curl -H "$(conjur authn authenticate -H)" http://<conjur-instance>/roles/<account>/user/admin?all

    The response will not contain !:!:root

Expected Results

The result should contain !:!:root


Version/Tag number

Running against the edge docker image.

izgeri commented 3 years ago

@telday is it possible that this is not a bug? technically the resource !:!:root is in the account !, which is different than the account you're sending with the request

telday commented 3 years ago

@izgeri I opened this issue based on a slack conversation I had with @micahlee, I believe he is still looking into it and may be able to provide more info.

micahlee commented 3 years ago

Okay, @telday. I was able to confirm that the reason it shows up in DAP and not in OSS by default is because of the permissions.

If you grant the membership to root as it is in DAP, !:!:root does show up. For example, using the Conjur quick start:

$ docker-compose exec conjur bash

And in the container:

$ rails console
irb(main):001:0> Role['!:!:root'].grant_to Role['dev:user:admin'], admin_option: true
=> #<RoleMembership @values={:role_id=>"!:!:root", :member_id=>"dev:user:admin", :admin_option=>true, :ownership=>false, :policy_id=>nil}>

And then calling the endpoint returns:

$ curl -k -H "$AUTH_HEADER"  https://localhost:8443/roles/dev/user/admin\?all

In this case, everything is working as expected. I will close this issue now. Thanks again for filing it!