cyberark / conjur

CyberArk Conjur automatically secures secrets used by privileged users and machine identities
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"conjurctl export" creates an evoke compatible Conjur archive #625

Closed micahlee closed 6 years ago

micahlee commented 6 years ago


  1. Given a running Conjur server setup using the open source Getting Started guide.

  2. Run the export command inside the Conjur container

    # conjurctl export -o /opt/export
    Exporting to '/opt/export'...
    Generating key file /opt/export/key
    gpg: directory `/root/.gnupg' created
    gpg: new configuration file `/root/.gnupg/gpg.conf' created
    gpg: WARNING: options in `/root/.gnupg/gpg.conf' are not yet active during this run
    gpg: keyring `/root/.gnupg/pubring.gpg' created
    Export placed in /opt/export/2018-07-23T21-08-19Z.tar.xz.gpg
    It's encrypted with key in /opt/export/key.
    If you're going to store the export, make
    sure to store the key file separately.
  3. Copy the exported data files out of the container

    $ docker-compose ps
    Name                  Command              State           Ports
    dev_conjur_1   /sbin/my_init                   Up>3000/tcp
    dev_pg_1 postgres   Up      5432/tcp
    $ docker cp dev_conjur_1:/opt/export/2018-07-23T21-08-19Z.tar.xz.gpg .
    $ docker cp dev_conjur_1:/opt/export/key .
kgilpin commented 6 years ago

So, a problem is that an EE backup file also contains lots of EE specific info like data encryption keys, configuration files of various services, etc. Conjur OSS is not going to be able to easily create a backup file that's compatible with EE, since there are a lot of EE features that are expected to be configured in the backup file (but OSS knows nothing about these features...).

kgilpin commented 6 years ago

It might be simpler architecturally to put all the knowledge about how to upgrade from OSS to EE into the EE product itself. For example, a new evoke command or evoke option set which configures the server as an upgrade from a running OSS container.

micahlee commented 6 years ago

Sure, that makes sense.

I agree the upgrade knowledge would live most appropriately with enterprise. I think I can generalize this to two starting choices:

I will switch gears a bit and write up the experience for standing up EE from an online OSS container.

cc @jvanderhoof in case you have any thoughts or guidance from PM conversations that would influence this.

jvanderhoof commented 6 years ago

Maybe this is a dumb question, but could we just do a sql dump from OS and load it into Evoke as part of the EE setup?

micahlee commented 6 years ago

A SQL dump will certainly have to be a part of it. My initial thinking was that it was an implementation detail, rather than part of the end-user experience directly.

I haven't gone deep yet, but I know you would at least have two pieces that need to come from Open Source, the SQL dump and the data key, in order to move the data into an EE instance. Having the end-user export those directly feels sloppy to me, compared with the experience of evoke backup. There, the details about what is in the backup isn't something I have to be concerned with if I don't want to, and I gain some overall confidence because the tool has taken the care to protect the backup information for me.

kgilpin commented 6 years ago

@micahlee It's not probably possible to add a volume mount after the Conjur container is already running. Maybe it would be better to show how to capture the backup and then copy to the local filesystem using docker cp.