cyberark / conjur

CyberArk Conjur automatically secures secrets used by privileged users and machine identities
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Host Factory created hosts don't have the policy namespace of their layer #813

Open jvanderhoof opened 6 years ago

jvanderhoof commented 6 years ago

When a host is created using a host factory, the host does not include the inherited policy in its ID. This means adding a host (host-1) in the layer staging/myapp creates a host host-1 rather than staging/myapp/host-1 as would be expected.

Steps to Replicate:

  1. Start Conjur:

  2. Load policy:

    ./cli conjur policy load --replace root policy/users.yml
    ./cli conjur policy load root policy/policy.yml
    ./cli conjur policy load staging policy/apps/myapp.yml

    Now we have a layer (staging/myapp) in in the staging namespace called myapp, with a Host Factory.

  3. Create a HF Token from this Host Factory:

    ./cli conjur hostfactory tokens create staging/myapp

    Grab the host factory token (ex. 37y7fja5dngtkzgdkm230r8qk325e8bnekwwqev37408jpw4te8k) from the above response.

  4. Generate a new host host-2 using the previous HF Token:

    ./cli conjur hostfactory hosts create 37y7fja5dngtkzgdkm230r8qk325e8bnekwwqev37408jpw4te8k host-2

Result A host is created host-2, which is correctly owned by the staging/myapp layer.

Expected Results The host is created using layer's policy: staging/myapp/host-2.

sjacobs146 commented 3 years ago

This bug is over 2 years old, Closing

jvanderhoof commented 3 years ago

@dataplex, @whip113 - I've been looking into this issue today. I have a potential fix, but it skirts a design issue: a host factory token can enroll a created host into multiple layers.

My solution prepends the first layer's id to the created host's id, which meets the above issue's Expected Results. A couple of questions to the two of you:

  1. Is this a reasonable solution?
  2. Should we allow a Host Factory to enroll into multiple layers?
  3. Does it make sense for a host created by a host factory to owned by that host factory, or should the host be owned by the layer (as if the host was enrolled in that layer via policy)?
Mamut3D commented 1 year ago

Is host-factory still supported? I mean it stays in the documentationt, but other than that it seems dead. Even puppet module (where use of host factory makes some sence) does not support it any more