cyberark / secretless-broker

Secure your apps by making them Secretless
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Failed to create new s3 bucket with secretless broker for aws #1430

Closed myeung18 closed 2 years ago

myeung18 commented 2 years ago


I am trying secretless broker at my local to access aws s3 buckets, I can list the buckets fine, but I can’t create any new bucket. is this a bug?

I tried aws cli w/o secretless broker in between to create bucket, and it works fine. I am using the same account as above, and it is an admin.

Steps to Reproduce

Steps to reproduce the behavior:

➜  aws alias | grep aws
aws='AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=nothing AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY=nothing AWS_DEFAULT_REGION=us-east-1 aws --endpoint-url http://secretless.empty'

➜  aws HTTP_PROXY=http://localhost:8080 aws s3 ls
2021-10-17 17:57:39 book2021
2017-02-19 11:47:24 iampolobucket
2021-10-16 14:55:19 testbug-os

➜  aws HTTP_PROXY=http://localhost:8080 aws s3 mb s3://bookttttt
make_bucket failed: s3://bookttttt An error occurred (SignatureDoesNotMatch) when calling the CreateBucket operation: The request signature we calculated does not match the signature you provided. Check your key and signing method.

❯ go run cmd/secretless-broker/main.go -f ./secretless.yml -debug
2021/10/17 18:07:04 Secretless v1.7.6-dev starting up...
2021/10/17 18:07:04 Initializing health check on :5335...
2021/10/17 18:07:04 Initialization of health check done. You can access the endpoint at `/live` and `/ready`.
2021/10/17 18:07:04 [WARN]  Plugin directory '/usr/local/lib/secretless' not found. Ignoring external plugins...
2021/10/17 18:07:04 Trying to load configuration file: ./secretless.yml
2021/10/17 18:07:04 [DEBUG] Waiting for new configuration...
2021/10/17 18:07:04 [INFO]  Configuration found. Loading...
2021/10/17 18:07:04 [INFO]  Validating config against available plugins: ssh,ssh-agent,pg,mysql,mssql,aws,basic_auth,conjur,generic_http
2021/10/17 18:07:04 [INFO]  Starting HTTP listener on
2021/10/17 18:07:04 Registering reload signal listeners...
2021/10/17 18:07:04 [INFO]  Starting HTTP subservice aws...
2021/10/17 18:07:05 [INFO]  HTTP Proxy on tcp:// Starting service
2021/10/17 18:07:05 [DEBUG] Waiting for new configuration...
2021/10/17 18:07:16 [DEBUG] HTTP Proxy on tcp:// Got request / secretless.empty GET secretless.empty
2021/10/17 18:07:16 [DEBUG] HTTP Proxy on tcp:// Using connector 'aws' for request secretless.empty
2021/10/17 18:07:16 Instantiating provider 'literal'
2021/10/17 18:07:16 [DEBUG] http-aws: Signing for service=s3 region=us-east-1
2021/10/17 18:07:16 [DEBUG] HTTP Proxy on tcp:// Received response status: 200 OK
2021/10/17 18:07:28 [DEBUG] HTTP Proxy on tcp:// Got request /bookttttt secretless.empty PUT secretless.empty
2021/10/17 18:07:28 [DEBUG] HTTP Proxy on tcp:// Using connector 'aws' for request secretless.empty
2021/10/17 18:07:28 [DEBUG] http-aws: Signing for service=s3 region=us-east-1
2021/10/17 18:07:28 [DEBUG] HTTP Proxy on tcp:// Received response status: 403 Forbidden

version: 2

    connector: aws
    listenOn: tcp://
      accessKeyId: xxx
      secretAccessKey: xxxx
        - ".*"

Expected Results

should be able to perform whatever the account is able to do with the returned connection.

Actual Results (including error logs, if applicable)

The aws connection created/returned from secretless broker should be no difference to the connection created without the secretless broker.

Additional Information

Add any other context about the problem here.

doodlesbykumbi commented 2 years ago

Hi @myeung18. Thanks for creating this issue.

I was able to reproduce this bug. It looks like we were not limiting the headers used for request-signing in Secretless to those used to sign the original request. I have a pull request up to fix this, over at I've tested it locally and confirmed that the fix works.

Once it is reviewed by the team and merged it should make its way into the next release. Please do create a build from the branch and evaluate it, it would help to get sign off from your side that the changes fix the issue.