Customer serves secrets through volume mounted files to an existing application workload deployed into K8s. This only requires modifying the application deployment manifest and not the application itself. This essentially matches Novartis’ primary desired use-case.
h2. Epic/Release Outcome
Exact functionality TBD. However, at a high-level, allow users to bring pre-existing configuration file/content, replace placeholders with secrets from Conjur and then write the resulting updating file/content to a volume shared with the application.
h2. Overall Outcome
Customer serves secrets through volume mounted files to an existing application workload deployed into K8s. This only requires modifying the application deployment manifest and not the application itself. This essentially matches Novartis’ primary desired use-case.
h2. Epic/Release Outcome
Exact functionality TBD. However, at a high-level, allow users to bring pre-existing configuration file/content, replace placeholders with secrets from Conjur and then write the resulting updating file/content to a volume shared with the application.
h2. References