Open AsfandKamran opened 4 years ago
Hi, @AsfandKamran.
That error is not supposed to prevent the proper running of the simulation. I get the same log error, but the simulation continues working as "expected".
You should investigate something else.
Does the cameras work? I currently tried them out and it seems cameras are not streaming. Also although it is connecting to Choreographe, NAO is not moving anymore!
Cameras are working fine @wbadry
Cameras are working fine @wbadry
May I know your version you are using ?
Hello sir, I hope you are doing good. I followed everything on your document and did as you described but after i open webots and load the naoqism.wbt world in it, i get this message [naoqisim] [E] 1248 posture: PostureLibrary::loadLibraryFromFile: cannot open file "" everything else is working just as you described but due to this messeage probably my webots and choreographe nao are not in synchronization and moving nao in choreographe does not has any effect on nao in webots. I highly appreciate your work. Kindly help me, thanks.
This is the whole message my webots console shows:
WARNING: PointLight: A quadratic 'attenuation' should be preferred to have a realistic simulation of light. Only the third component of the 'attenuation' field should be greater than 0. INFO: naoqisim: Starting controller: "E:\FYP\naoqisim-master\controllers\naoqisim\naoqisim.exe" 9559 [naoqisim] Qt: Untested Windows version 6.2 detected! [naoqisim] Error: %1 is not a valid Win32 application. [naoqisim] (dynamic library) [naoqisim] Error: failed to load E:/webots/Webots/resources/projects/plugins/robot_windows/generic/generic.dll library [naoqisim] ===== naoqisim controller started ===== [naoqisim] Press the real-time button [>] to start the simulation, then you can connect Choregraphe. [naoqisim] ===== starting alsim controller ===== [naoqisim] sdkPrefix: ....\aldebaran\simulator-sdk [naoqisim] [E] 1248 posture: PostureLibrary::loadLibraryFromFile: cannot open file "" [naoqisim] [I] 1248 SimLauncher: Launching ....\aldebaran\simulator-sdk\bin/hal -s hal-ipc9559 -p HAL/Robot/Type:string=Nao -p HAL/Simulation:int=1 -p HAL/Time:int=0 -p HAL/CycleTime:int=0 -p DCM/Time:int=0 -p DCM/CycleTime:int=0 -p HAL/SimShmId:int=9559 -p HAL/Ack:int=0 -p HAL/Nack:int=0 -p HAL/Error:int=0 [naoqisim] [I] 1248 SimLauncher: Launching ....\aldebaran\simulator-sdk\bin/naoqi-bin.exe -p 9559 --writable-path C:\Users\MSI\AppData\Local\Temp\SimLauncher6JuljXd [naoqisim] Webots cameras enabled. [naoqisim] Add the '-nocam' option in 'controllerArgs' to disable the cameras and increase the simulator performance. [naoqisim] simulator-sdk max camera resolution: CameraBottom: 1280x960 [naoqisim] Webots camera resolution: CameraBottom: 160x120 [naoqisim] simulator-sdk max camera resolution: CameraTop: 1280x960 [naoqisim] Webots camera resolution: CameraTop: 160x120