Closed DavidMansolino closed 4 years ago
Same problem here.
from Solidworks urdf export. I have 4 links and 3 joints. However I am only getting the root link exported into Proto.
python -m urdf2webots.importer --input=/home/mike/Documents/walker/urdf/walker.urdf --box-collision --multi-file Robot name: walker Parsing Mesh: /home/mike/Documents/walker/meshes/thigh.STL Parsing Mesh: /home/mike/Documents/walker/meshes/femur.STL Parsing Mesh: /home/mike/Documents/walker/meshes/leg.STL Parsing Mesh: /home/mike/Documents/walker/meshes/pod.STL Root link: pod There are 4 links, 3 joints and 0 sensors Create meshFile: podMesh.proto
Walker.proto file (below) and podMesh.proto created
#VRML_SIM R2020b utf8
# license: Apache License 2.0
# license url:
# This is a proto file for Webots for the Walker
# Extracted from: /home/mike/Documents/walker/urdf/walker.urdf
PROTO Walker [
field SFVec3f translation 0 0 0
field SFRotation rotation 0 1 0 0
field SFString controller "void" # Is `Robot.controller`.
field MFString controllerArgs [] # Is `Robot.controllerArgs`.
field SFString customData "" # Is `Robot.customData`.
field SFBool supervisor FALSE # Is `Robot.supervisor`.
field SFBool synchronization TRUE # Is `Robot.synchronization`.
field SFBool selfCollision FALSE # Is `Robot.selfCollision`.
Robot {
translation IS translation
rotation IS rotation
controller IS controller
controllerArgs IS controllerArgs
customData IS customData
supervisor IS supervisor
synchronization IS synchronization
selfCollision IS selfCollision
children [
podMesh {
name "pod"
boundingObject Transform {
translation 0.000000 0.014500 0.000000
children [
Box {
size 0.079727 0.029000 0.080000
physics Physics {
density -1
mass 0.046773
centerOfMass [ 0.000328 0.004940 0.000082 ]
Can you please share the URDF file so that we can try reproducing it?
Robot urdf file structure uploaded here:
This has been resolved in
In some cases, it seems that the generated PROTO name and filename are not matching. This is reproducible for example with the 'braccio' robot from here: