cyberbotics / webots

Webots Robot Simulator
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Docker Webots And Web Stream Options Not working #2258

Closed nezihsunman closed 3 years ago

nezihsunman commented 4 years ago

I am developing a web system that works on docker with django+ angular. In this system, I could not run the webot web stream settings I tried locally on the system docker. This system works with local webots settings but not working in docker image.

First error:
On docker image

Run command: docker run --rm -it --env="DISPLAY" --env="QT_X11_NO_MITSHM=1" --volume="/tmp/.X11-unix:/tmp/.X11-unix:rw" -p 1234:1234 -p 8888:8888 cyberbotics/webots:R2020b-rev1-ubuntu18.04

xvfb-run --auto-servernum webots/webots --mode=fast --stdout --stderr --minimize --batch --stream="port=1234;disableTextStreams" webots/projects/robots/softbank/nao/worlds/nao_demo.wbt

See error:

ERROR: Cannot initialize the sound engine: Cannot initialize OpenAL default device 'OpenAL Soft'

Second Error

For following docker file:

RUN apt install nano psmisc RUN pip install websocket-client tornado nvidia-ml-py psutil requests ENV AUDIODEV=null ENV DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive ENV DISPLAY=:99 ENV LIBGL_ALWAYS_SOFTWARE=true ENV WEBOTS_HOME=/usr/local/webots ENV QTWEBENGINE_DISABLE_SANDBOX=1 ADD server/config/simulation/video.json /webots/resources/web/server/config/simulation/video.json ADD server/key/localhost /webots/resources/web/server/key/localhost ADD / RUN chmod 654 / CMD ["/", ""]



Xvfb :99 -screen 0 1024x768x16 & cd $WEBOTS_HOME/resources/web/server ./ start while true; do sleep 1000; done

Run command: docker run -d -p 1999:1999 -p 2000:2000 -p 2001:2001 -it


image image

stefaniapedrazzi commented 3 years ago

Did you try to let docker publish the port 1234, that you are using for the Webots stream, to the host? i.e. running

docker run -d -p 1234:1234 -it 

This would be the first step to debug the issue: start Webots manually in the docker image (as in your terminal screenshot) and check if you can connect from the host.

nezihsunman commented 3 years ago

please correct me if i am wrong, i'm new to webot before this i just physically used naaqi.

docker run --rm -it --env="DISPLAY" --env="QT_X11_NO_MITSHM=1" --volume="/tmp/.X11-unix:/tmp/.X11-unix:rw" -p 1234:1234 -p 8888:8888 cyberbotics/webots:R2020b-rev1-ubuntu18.04

This code blog works, but I think the problem is the lack of documentation or configuration of different systems.

I solved the stream problem last night. With "--auto-servernum --server-num=1" settings.

xvfb-run --auto-servernum --server-num=1 webots --mode=fast --stdout --stderr --minimize --batch --stream="port=1234;disableTextStreams" projects/robots/softbank/nao/worlds/nao_demo.wbt

Additionally, following docker script still not working. In the future, I want to automate this entire system on the web server and manage more than one webot container system.

RUN apt install nano psmisc RUN pip install websocket-client tornado nvidia-ml-py psutil requests ENV AUDIODEV=null ENV DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive ENV DISPLAY=:99 ENV LIBGL_ALWAYS_SOFTWARE=true ENV WEBOTS_HOME=/usr/local/webots ENV QTWEBENGINE_DISABLE_SANDBOX=1 ADD server/config/simulation/video.json /webots/resources/web/server/config/simulation/video.json ADD server/key/localhost /webots/resources/web/server/key/localhost ADD / RUN chmod 654 / CMD ["/", ""]



Xvfb :99 -screen 0 1024x768x16 & cd $WEBOTS_HOME/resources/web/server ./ start while true; do sleep 1000; done

But other error continues See error: ERROR: Cannot initialize the sound engine: Cannot initialize OpenAL default device 'OpenAL Soft'

stefaniapedrazzi commented 3 years ago

This code blog works, but I think the problem is the lack of documentation or configuration of different systems.

Here you can find the available documentation for the simulation streaming: What documentation are you missing? The support of Docker image is quite new and the streaming server functionality is still a work in progress. The configuration of the session and server scripts is very specific to the application so it is not straightforward to provide a solution working out-of-the-box.

But other error continues See error: ERROR: Cannot initialize the sound engine: Cannot initialize OpenAL default device 'OpenAL Soft'

This is not very important for the streaming. This library is just used for playing the speaker, motor and collision sound but in case of streaming or docker images this error can simply be ignored.

stefaniapedrazzi commented 3 years ago

Are the issues reported here about running the simulation server related to #2267?

nezihsunman commented 3 years ago

No, this is a new error for typescript web framework. Webots min js works for pure javaquerry frameworks like REACTJS and not working angularJS. That's why I am converting my projects from angular js to reactjs.

On Mon, Sep 28, 2020 at 10:55 AM Stefania Pedrazzi wrote:

Are the errors reported here related to #2267

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-- Nezih Sunman B Sc. Mechanical Engineering & Computer Science '21

T: +90 533 2598151 M:


stefaniapedrazzi commented 3 years ago

Ok, thank you. I'm now fixing the instructions to run a streaming server in a Docker container-

stefaniapedrazzi commented 3 years ago

I updated the instructions to run the simulation server on localhost in a Docker container, see:

Please let me know if this is working for you as well or if you think that some information are still missing from the documentation.