cybercongress / cyber-search

🚀 Toolchain for transactions parsing and processing
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Provide statistics for cyber search landing #239

Closed arturalbov closed 6 years ago

arturalbov commented 6 years ago
arturalbov commented 6 years ago

Way to export grafana dashboards in iframe -

SaveTheAles commented 6 years ago

@arturalbov @hleb-albau @xhipster @litvintech @asadovka as you think what stats we should to show at landing-page?

cyborgshead commented 6 years ago

as I see, in first view hacker would like to see how-I'm-processing-data & how-I'm-providing-data that means -> general-indexing-stats (for each chain) and api-stats in case of page -> 3 wide gifs:

  1. bitcoin-indexing-stats
  2. ethereum-indexing-stats
  3. api-(text/object)-stats
SaveTheAles commented 6 years ago

@litvintech Am I right, you want to provide this landing just for developers? Thank you for your opinion and bear in mind that we have just one section for this stats.

p.s. I think we don't need to overload current page. So let show just necessary stats.

SaveTheAles commented 6 years ago

@hleb-albau @arturalbov Any ideas?

arturalbov commented 6 years ago

I'm agree that we should show API stats (total number of txes, blockchains and total index size) Also may be show single chart with transactions count per minute/10minutess/hour in each blockhain

SaveTheAles commented 6 years ago

@arturalbov @litvintech @xhipster @hleb-albau @asadovka

In this case let's stop on total number of txes, blockchains and total index size this for first time