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Adjust consensus and cyberd params for euler-5 #338

Closed cyborgshead closed 4 years ago

cyborgshead commented 5 years ago

://cyberd application params

Module Param Value Comment
Staking UnbondingTime 3 days time duration of unbonding
Staking MaxValidators 146 maximum number of active validators set
Staking MaxEntries 7 max entries for either unbonding delegation or redelegation per delegator/validator pair(delegator/validator/validator for redelegation)
Rank RankCalcWindow 50 full rank recalculation window
Distr CommunityTax 10% % block rewards goes to the community pool
Distr BaseProposerReward 1% % of block rewards goes to proposer
Distr BonusProposerReward 4% addition reward, calculated as % of included precommits the proposer includes
Slashing MaxEvidenceAge 3weeks misbehaviour evidence max age
Slashing SignedBlocksWindow 30min window to calculate validators liveness
Slashing MinSignedPerWindow 70% min singed precommits for window to not be jailed
Slashing DowntimeJailDuration 0 unjail delay
Slashing SlashFractionDoubleSign 3% % of stake reduction for double sign
Slashing SlashFractionDowntime 0.05% % of stake reduction for being offline
Mint Inflation need modeling 7%
Mint InflationRateChange need modeling 13%
Mint InflationMax need modeling 18%
Mint InflationMin need modeling 5%
Mint GoalBonded need modeling 88%
Mint BlocksPerYear 60 60 8766 / 5 Assuming 5 second block times
Bandwidth RecoveryWindow 24h from 0 to max recovery period
Bandwidth PriceSlidingWindow 24h price calculated based on network load for selected period
Bandwidth PriceAdjustWindow 1m how ofter price is recalculated
Bandwidth PriceMin 0.01 minimum price number (1 means normal price)
Bandwidth LinkCost 3* NonLinkCost link msg cost
Bandwidth NonLinkCost 100 non link msg cost
Bandwidth TxCost 2 * LinkCost tx cost
Bandwidth RecoveryWindowTotalBandwidth 4200000000 how much all users in average can spend for recover period

://cyberd consensus params

Param Value Comment
MaxBytes 1mb block max bytes limit
TimeoutPropose 2s
TimeoutProposeDelta 500ms
TimeoutPrevote 1s
TimeoutPrevoteDelta 500ms
TimeoutPrecommit 1s
TimeoutPrecommitDelta 500ms
TimeoutCommit 1s
mastercyb commented 5 years ago

As we discussed linking must be more expensive than a simple tx because of GPU involvement. So I suppose it must be about twice of simple tx

cyborgshead commented 5 years ago

@xhipster @npopeka @SaveTheAles please, check proposed by me params and let's discuss this

cyborgshead commented 4 years ago

Closing this now will open new issue closer to Euler-5 genesis