cyberconnecthq / Gitcoin-Hackathon

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Task 2 - Mails and Credits #2

Open BruceWangyq opened 2 years ago

BruceWangyq commented 2 years ago


Thank you for your interest in CyberConnect. You are welcome to participate in our competitions.

Bounty Prize: 4000 USDC

For Great CyberConnect Application Season Two, we set up a bigger prize for our participants! The winning team can take up to 4000 USDC. We look forward to your participation!

Challenge Description

CyberConnect is a social graph protocol for users to easily create and manage social connections, and to take them to any applications built on top of CyberConnect.

For this task, we offer you two tracks in terms of what to build. Feel free to select the one that you like the most!

[ Track A - Mail Application Based on CyberConnect ]

Think about the following scenarios:

It’s frustrating to find currently no user-friendly way to achieve it.

Now, in order to meet the demands in the above situations, your task is to build a brand-new email application so that any user can:

Your submission should have the following frontend/backend modules, they are REQUIRED:

The following features would be a plus, but NOT A MUST:

Some hints:

[ Track B - Credit System Built on CyberConnect ]

More and more dApps, particularly in DeFi, are looking to assess addresses’ credit. CyberConnect is a social graph that has millions of connection data. Your task is to build a credit system that evaluates one address’ credit.

You can refer to the following example metrics:

There are endless ways to assess someone’s credit and a score number is by definition reductive and selective. You are encouraged to try creative ways to help people understand the attributes of an address and your design decisions should carry your consideration of what information should be considered valuable from an address and what else should be left aside.

Your submission should have the following frontend/backend modules, they are REQUIRED:

Submission Requirements

Judging Criteria

No specific topic is preferred or will receive extra points - CyberConnect is a protocol and we welcome people to build whatever they want on top of it. However, projects of different topics may have different original business potential, which will make an impact on your final scoring. Please make your own choice.

30% - Implementation & Integration Score. For this part, we evaluate your work based on the product completion: how many features are implemented, how many your working hours are, in what scenario do you use CyberConnect API, etc. The more effort you make, the higher score you will get.

30% - Product Experience Score. UI/UX - how users feel when using your work.

30% - Business Potential Score. How potential does your work show?

10% - Code Quality Score. How is the code structure? Are there enough comments for other people to understand your work?


We highly suggest participants treat your hackathon project as a start-up project. CyberConnect is building up a global dev community. Winners of hackathon can get supports from CyberConnect dev team to build it into a real product. Like the winner of last contest, Gitcoin Scheduling Point Virtual Hackathon CyberConnect “Great CyberConnected dApps” e.g. "" (, are now supported by CyberConnect teams and working for real production.

After Submission - Questionnaire REQUIRED!

After submitting your project, please help give feedback to the CyberConnect team. Note that this feedback is REQUIRED and you should fill in ( so we can better contact you. Please make sure you have your feedback submitted before the winners are announced. For people who already submitted on the previous form (, sorry for the inconvenient. Please also fill out the new form if you can and we will contact you regardless.



We did receive news that there is some dispute in the winning team about the bounty prize from the last contest. Gitcoin only supports one-address payment. You can append a section called “Bounty Prize Split Plan” in of your submissions, providing up to three addresses to accept bounty prize with percentage.

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gitcoinbot commented 2 years ago

Issue Status: 1. Open 2. Started 3. Submitted 4. Done

Work has been started.

These users each claimed they can complete the work by 4 days, 10 hours from now. Please review their action plans below:

1) jakobrichert has started work.

Mail application using cyberconnect 2) dtiv has started work.

A mail application utilizing cyber connect 3) ikalonji has started work.

I will be building a Wallet Credit System based on some metrics and provide a risk score which can then be used when assessing whether a wallet can be provided with crypto loans. 4) wrybakiewicz has started work.

We - as a team of 3 - are working on Credit Score System 5) imkrish7 has started work.

A simple dapp 6) ritikdhasmana has started work.

Mail app using cyber connect and wallet addresses.

Learn more on the Gitcoin Issue Details page.

gitcoinbot commented 2 years ago

Issue Status: 1. Open 2. Started 3. Submitted 4. Done

Work for 4000.0 USDC (4000.0 USD @ $1.0/USDC) has been submitted by:

  1. @ritikdhasmana
  2. @dtiv
  3. @wrybakiewicz

@brucewangyq please take a look at the submitted work:

gitcoinbot commented 2 years ago

Issue Status: 1. Open 2. Started 3. Submitted 4. Done

The funding of 4000.0 USDC (4000.00 USD @ $1.0/USDC) attached to this issue has been approved & issued to @wrybakiewicz.