cybereality / Perception

Open-Source Stereo
GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0
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Compiled binaries available ? #93

Open nomad5oul opened 1 year ago

nomad5oul commented 1 year ago

Hi, I'm not familiar with VS and find it very difficult getting anything to compile. Is there anywhere I can find the latest binaries already compiled as that would be super helpful ?

nomad5oul commented 1 year ago

I found this download archive but the latest version is v4 alpha 3 from 2016. It looks like the project has been updated much more recently than this.

Chrissavi commented 12 months ago

so 2023 comes to an end and there's still no ready to go binary with one click "installation". I don't know what the target audience is, but I guess it should be GAMERS NOT PROGRAMMERS on senior level. So from a gamers perspective, I'll have to give my 40 bucks to the vorpX app. Originally I hoped Vireio to be a free alternative, but the time is just not worth it to figure out missing files and DLLs. Sorry, but the comments above are both true. Bye Bye

baggyg commented 12 months ago

Not sure why people are still following this and certainly note sure why they are taking the tone of the last message. Its been a long time since Vireio was updated to work with latest headsets / games. I'm not aware of any updates for at least a couple of years.

I'd suggest looking out for PreyDogs Universal Unreal Injector as that goes far more further than a standard injector, such as VorpX. Its not out yet, but lots of info online and it will be "a free alternative". Proper stereo, motion controls, roomscale etc.

Chrissavi commented 12 months ago

PreyDogs Universal Unreal Injector

Thank you for your reply. I'll be following the PrayDogs project from now on.