The Marine Systems Simulator (MSS) is software that supplements the textbook "Handbook of Marine Craft Hydrodynamics and Motion Control," 2nd Edition, by T. I. Fossen, published in 2021 by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.
In container.m line132 there is an equation "uP = cos(v)((1 - wp) + tau((v + xpr)^2 + cpvv + cpr*r));" .But I found the same equation in the reference "Son og Nomoto (1982). On the Coupled Motion of Steering and Rolling of a High Speed Container Ship, Naval Architect of Ocean Engineering,20: 73-83. From J.S.N.A. , Japan, Vol. 150, 1981.",but the equation is
,so "cos(v)" should change into "u".
In container.m line132 there is an equation "uP = cos(v)((1 - wp) + tau((v + xpr)^2 + cpvv + cpr*r));" .But I found the same equation in the reference "Son og Nomoto (1982). On the Coupled Motion of Steering and Rolling of a High Speed Container Ship, Naval Architect of Ocean Engineering,20: 73-83. From J.S.N.A. , Japan, Vol. 150, 1981.",but the equation is ,so "cos(v)" should change into "u".