cyberjunk / meridian59-dotnet

New 3D client and tools for Meridian 59
GNU General Public License v3.0
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PvP Advantages #45

Open AchimGrube opened 9 years ago

AchimGrube commented 9 years ago

Hey man, I'm a great fan of all the work you put into this. Sadly it feels kinda bad if you have so many advantages, mostly in PvP situations, using this client compared to the classic one.

Just some examples:

I'd love to see the new client just improving the handling and visual aspects of the game, updated to a more modern style instead of giving you so many advantages. Meridian has always been a PvP focused game so both clients should be balanced when it comes down to this.

cyberjunk commented 9 years ago

Thanks for your feedback.

You can see "nameless" people in the online list by clicking on the blank row (easy to fix)

Not 100% sure if I get you right. "Nameless"? Do you mean shadowformed players in the who-list? Do you play on a vanilla server? The fact they are black in the old client there is rather a bug introduced with the 'color PKs in the wholist' change. It's just a black text color on a black background. As far as I am aware you can also change this in the old client by assigning other backgroundcolor? On 103 like servers you should not experience this at all.

You can attack much faster by spamming the attack key compared to the classic client (no idea here, maybe add a small delay)

Leaving the attack-rate up to a client decision would surely be a bad thing, so bad not even M59 did it :) There is a server limit/check on the amount of attacks (unless your server messed up something...) even in the vanilla branch. By default you can attack once per second, any additional request is just discarded by the server. I never had the feeling the new client is hitting more often than once per second, best I could think of that it is less often "missing" to perform an hit (missing = just skipping an interval, so 2s until next attack rather than 1s)

You're not slowed down when walking through water (easy to fix)

Yes can be added easily and will be - however not yet enforceable by the serverside, so was not yet a priority.

Zooming out to 3rd person gives you a huge advantage by seeing the whole map, even behind corners and stuff (maybe add some kind of fog of war)

There probably will be a zoomlimit and a cameracollision someday, but since we're in an open-source environment these things can easily changed by whoever want to gain the advantage back for PvP. So rather than taking this feature away from casual players and just giving it to players who can either modify the code or know someone providing them a modified client, I (may) tend to keep this feature available to anyone - or at least it's a difficult decision to make and I need the free camera for development right now anyways.

Using the RoomObjects window shows you instantly if a pk/enemy enters the map and lets you also target them in seconds, no matter where they are (reduce this window to monsters and loot maybe, at least for default player accounts)

This roomobjects list was discussed a lot, here's the reasons for the decision:

(1) The old client has a guild-invite feature in the guild-window which technically already allows guilded players to see what other players are in the room. I definitely did not want to hide such an important feature in a guildwindow and many players confirmed this guild invite list in the old client is mainly used to observe room players...

(2) The data about all other room objects is available to the client. There was cheat tools such as PKK and many other all over the time, even in close-source environment, which almost exactly implemented a feature like this RoomObjects list. I'm 100% sure someone would have added such a feature for his own advantage.

(3) IMO such an user-control is rather common for modern MMORPG. Guess many are familiar with it from WoW PvP addons or other games. It's hard to find a balance between keeping M59 authentic retro feeling and having a modern client the same time.