Open geedsen opened 1 month ago
The instructions do not explain how install arp-scan in the HA container. I gave up.
Back in the days the tool was installed in the default ha image. But HA developers removed everything they think didn't belong there. So I added an install command which runs when my integration is started, but it seems it does not work anymore or fails on some install types, or both. I will have a look when I have some spare time.
I found the install code in
And can report it fails because the package manager it assumes to be present isn't.
# whoami
# apk add arp-scan
-sh: apk: not found
Maybe instead of subprocess.getoutput("arp-scan "+options)
we could do with pure python ?
@tomchiverton not sure, scapy and arpwitch need root permissions. What is the OS you run on, does it have another pkg manager installed?
It's running under KVM, as per
So being root isn't an issue, I think? Output above was directly from 'virtsh console' after entering "root" at the HA login prompt
Does apt-get ...
command work instead of apk? Or also not available?
No, none of these are available in HAOS.
haos has "arp" commond, can add-on use this? like "arp |grep eth0".
here is log: :/config# arp |grep ether ether 68:ab:bc:c6:d5:8f C enp5s0 ricecooker.lan ether cc:b5:d1:12:25:61 C enp5s0 curtainlivingroom.lan ether 7c:c2:94:5d:be:34 C enp5s0 curtainbedroom.lan ether 7c:c2:94:5e:2e:44 C enp5s0 xiaoduaudiospeaker.lan ether 88:2d:53:3f:f8:cf C enp5s0 gassensor.lan ether dc:ed:83:20:d8:21 C enp5s0 ether 02:42:ac:12:00:03 C br-fe6cca2934a7 xiaomi-humidifier-p3_mi ether 64:9e:31:38:90:06 C enp5s0 ether 02:42:ac:12:00:02 C br-fe6cca2934a7 youyanji.lan ether 68:ab:bc:b6:9b:28 C enp5s0 yugang.lan ether 68:ab:bc:b5:f2:d5 C enp5s0 boardlinkremote.lan ether 34:ea:34:c7:3c:28 C enp5s0 ether 02:42:ac:11:00:02 C docker0 mideafriger.lan ether 9c:c1:2d:be:dc:86 C enp5s0 ether 02:42:ac:11:00:03 C docker0 mijiahub.lan ether 54:ef:44:47:6d:5b C enp5s0 ether b8:50:d8:56:91:d5 C enp5s0 mediaclothesdryer.lan ether 10:2c:8d:fc:e6:99 C enp5s0 washer.lan ether 88:f2:bd:7b:38:d2 C enp5s0 dreamcleanbot.lan ether 70:c9:32:08:42:8b C enp5s0 iStoreOS.lan ether 60:be:b4:04:04:ed C enp5s0 ether c0:39:37:18:31:e2 C enp5s0 fryer.lan ether 68:ab:bc:93:ac:ef C enp5s0 ax6000.lan ether 3c:cd:57:fa:d6:00 C enp5s0 computerlight.lan ether cc:b5:d1:2e:bf:d6 C enp5s0
I can not locate that command here on the latest haos
pi@pi5:~ $ sudo virsh console haos
Connected to domain 'haos'
Escape character is ^] (Ctrl + ])
homeassistant login: root
Welcome to Home Assistant OS.
Use `ha` to access the Home Assistant CLI.
# arp
-sh: arp: not found
Well, I just tested the docker version of homeassistant, using the docker exec -it homeassistant /bin/bash command to enter homeassistant. The two may be different.
The two are very different. As I understand it, HA under Docker is "HA Core" and doesn't support addons, for instance;
I installed it, added it to the configuration and restarted HA. But where do I see the results of the scan? And in terminal if I type arp-scan I get this: