cyberkiwii / soothe

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fully developed tools #9

Open cyberkiwii opened 1 year ago

cyberkiwii commented 1 year ago

pop up or pages for each tool.

music: in the future this should direct the user to their chosen music app (saved data). will not open in our page but will take them to their app.

breathing: in the future this will guide the user through breathing exercises and give them examples of other grounding exercises. or could potentially connect to apple watch mindfulness feature with guided breathing ?

journaling: a feature that allow the user to either be redirected to a journaling site, notes, or maybe make it in-site / in-app journaling feature (this would need us to create a login feature and so the data saves to their account for their eyes only!).

exercise: potentially connect with youtube mindfulness videos, suggest a walk / run ; possibly connection to apply watch / activity

contacts: in the future we could allow the user to choose fav contacts to add to their in-app / in-website list so that they can contact loved one when dealing with certain things.

other potential tools we could add: OPTIONAL- an option for the user to add their own tools or notes, make a little inspirational mood board, Pinterest connect ? etc

cyberkiwii commented 1 year ago

please feel free to add your ideas for the tools and future tools