cyberman54 / ESP32-Paxcounter

Wifi & BLE driven passenger flow metering with cheap ESP32 boards
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Support heltec S 3 v3.1 version 3.6.2 #1008

Open mhuelsmann opened 3 weeks ago

mhuelsmann commented 3 weeks ago


i am unable to compile version 3.6.2 for heltec esp32-s3 v3.1 hardware. I try all 3 possible options in platfomio.ini

halfile = ttgotdongles3.h ;halfile = ttgotdongledisplays3.h ;halfile = ttgotdisplays3.h

does this version only work for ttgo? regards michael

mhuelsmann commented 3 weeks ago

Is there an solution für sx1262 Lora chip?

cyberman54 commented 3 weeks ago

Paxcounter software should work on ESP32 S3, but there is no halfile for heltec esp32-s3 board yet. If you figure out the right pinput, it should run. You're welcome to raise a PR for this.

But there is no support for SX1262 in LMIC library, which paxcounter is based on. You may find patches on github on your own. Without paxcounter is not running on SX1262.

oseiler2 commented 2 weeks ago

FWIW, I've been using this branch with a newer TBeam S3 (SX1262) and can confirm that it works well. It includes a board definition for the Heltec

cyberman54 commented 2 weeks ago

Reopened this. Anyone willing to create a PR for Paxcounter SX1262?

TristanWebber commented 3 days ago

@cyberman54 it looks like it would be possible to update for compatibility with SX126x by:

However, pointing to my fork rather than the MCCI master arduino-lmic library might not be ideal. What are your thoughts?

cyberman54 commented 3 days ago

Yes, that's the way to go. I ordered an SX1262 based T-Beam for testing. If it works, i will ask Terry Moore if he is willing to add your fork as a branch to his MCCI repository. If not, i will check license and if okay i can fork it.