cyberman54 / ESP32-Paxcounter

Wifi & BLE driven passenger flow metering with cheap ESP32 boards
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Using LoRa32 V2.1, not joining to LoRaWAN. #480

Closed ajpaezm closed 4 years ago

ajpaezm commented 4 years ago

I'm switching boards from the TTGO T-BEAM to the board described in this commentary: (the link to the board is this one:

When I make my first build, everything seems to go good, but I never get the message that says:

[I][lorawan.cpp:338] onEvent(): JOINING
[I][lorawan.cpp:223] onEvent(): DEVaddr=xxxxxxxx
[I][lorawan.cpp:338] onEvent(): JOINED

Even though I can see the first payload of counters being sent on the LoRaWAN gateway, the sending of data stops there. I see no further messages.

On my current setup I'm only reading WiFi, I've enabled the file heltecv2.h (which I think is the correct one) and in that file, besides all the other things coded in them, I added these few lines for a SD Card and an RTC.

#define HAS_RTC GPIO_NUM_21, GPIO_NUM_22 // SDA, SCL

#define SD_SCK GPIO_NUM_4
#define SD_MISO GPIO_NUM_13
#define SD_MOSI GPIO_NUM_2
#define SD_CS GPIO_NUM_25
#define SD_RST 5

There's a difference between this boards version V2.0 and V2.1 on the LoRa pins that I'm not sure are already reflected in the current setup (is the same as is written in heltecv2.h) image

What could be the source of the issue? Has anyone else encountered this before?

Thanks in advance for any help.

cyberman54 commented 4 years ago

Select ttgov21new.h in platformio.ini

ajpaezm commented 4 years ago

Great! Thanks!