Closed jensileinchen closed 4 years ago
Bitte hier posten:
@jensileinchen ich poste dies mal hier!
hal File
`// clang-format off // upload_speed 921600 // board esp32dev
/ Hardware related definitions for TTGO V2.1 Board // ATTENTION: check your board version! // This settings are for boards labeled v1.6 on pcb, NOT for v1.5 or older /
// enable only if you want to store a local paxcount table on the device
// Pins for SD-card
// BME280 sensor on I2C bus
// SDS011 dust sensor settings
// used pins on the ESP-side:
// Pins for I2C interface of OLED Display
// Pins for LORA chip SPI interface, reset line and interrupt lines
`// clang-format off
// ----- Paxcounter user config file ------ // // --> adapt to your needs and use case <-- // // Note: After editing, before "build", use "clean" button in PlatformIO!
// Verbose enables additional serial debug output
// Payload send cycle and encoding
// Set this to include BLE counting and vendor filter functions, or to switch off WIFI counting
// BLE scan parameters
/ Note: guide for setting bluetooth parameters
// WiFi scan parameters
// LoRa payload default parameters
// Hardware settings
// Settings for BME680 environmental sensor
// OTA settings
// settings for syncing time of node with a time source (network / gps / rtc / timeserver)
// time zone, see
// Ports on which the device sends and listenes on LoRaWAN and SPI
// Cayenne LPP Ports, see
@cyberman54 welchen log meinst du
wir schubsen die daten mittels VSCode hoch.
Sind das ggf die Daten aus dem Terminal die er mitschreibt?
We need serial log written during runtime here.
@AugustQu ping
does it send no data to TTN at all?
In the last days I checked my code here (identical to the code here, branch SDS011). In 3 days I had:
connected to TTN and send values
no connection, no data sent
connected to TTN and sent data
So: does it send data without SDS011?
Check if the device is joined. Watch out for the join notice in serial log, or the LED flashing fast. No join, no data.
///// SERIAL LOG MONITOR actual setup is paxcounter 2.1.6 "ttgov2.1new" only with sds011 connected on GND +5VDC RX TX
Executing task: C:\Users\jens_.platformio\penv\Scripts\platformio.exe device monitor <
--- Available filters and text transformations: colorize, debug, default, direct, hexlify, log2file, nocontrol, printable, send_on_enter, time --- More details at --- Miniterm on COM5 115200,8,N,1 --- --- Quit: Ctrl+C | Menu: Ctrl+T | Help: Ctrl+T followed by Ctrl+H --- ets Jun 8 2016 00:22:57
configsip: 188777542, SPIWP:0xee
mode:DIO, clock div:2
entry 0x400806ac
[I][reset.cpp:64] do_after_reset(): Starting Software v1.9.98, runmode 0
[I][configmanager.cpp:190] loadConfig(): Reading settings from NVS
[I][configmanager.cpp:55] open_storage(): Opening NVS
[I][configmanager.cpp:60] open_storage(): Done
[I][configmanager.cpp:204] loadConfig(): NVRAM settings version = 1.9.98
[I][configmanager.cpp:222] loadConfig(): bsecstate = 139
[I][configmanager.cpp:227] loadConfig(): loradr = 5
[I][configmanager.cpp:235] loadConfig(): txpower = 14
[I][configmanager.cpp:243] loadConfig(): adrmode = 1
[I][configmanager.cpp:251] loadConfig(): screensaver = 0
[I][configmanager.cpp:259] loadConfig(): screenon = 1
[I][configmanager.cpp:267] loadConfig(): countermode = 0
[I][configmanager.cpp:275] loadConfig(): sendcycle = 30
[I][configmanager.cpp:283] loadConfig(): wifichancycle = 50
[I][configmanager.cpp:291] loadConfig(): wifiantenna = 0
[I][configmanager.cpp:299] loadConfig(): vendorfilter = 1
[I][configmanager.cpp:307] loadConfig(): rgbluminosity = 30
[I][configmanager.cpp:315] loadConfig(): blescantime = 8
[I][configmanager.cpp:323] loadConfig(): BLEscanmode = 0
[I][configmanager.cpp:331] loadConfig(): WIFIscanmode = 1
[I][configmanager.cpp:339] loadConfig(): rssilimit = 0
[I][configmanager.cpp:347] loadConfig(): payloadmask = 127
[I][configmanager.cpp:355] loadConfig(): Monitor mode = 0
[I][configmanager.cpp:362] loadConfig(): Done
[I][i2c.cpp:33] i2c_scan(): Starting I2C bus scan...
[I][i2c.cpp:54] i2c_scan(): 0x3C: SSD1306 Display controller
[I][i2c.cpp:81] i2c_scan(): I2C scan done, 1 devices found.
[I][main.cpp:242] setup(): Starting LED Controller...
[I][power.cpp:171] calibrate_voltage(): ADC characterization based on reference voltage stored in eFuse
[I][lorawan.cpp:297] lora_stack_init(): LORA send queue created, size 600 Bytes
[I][lorawan.cpp:300] lora_stack_init(): Starting LMIC...
[I][main.cpp:331] setup(): init fine-dust-sensor
[I][main.cpp:375] setup(): Starting Wifi...
[I][main.cpp:388] setup(): Starting Interrupt Handler...
[I][main.cpp:412] setup(): Starting Timers...
[I][main.cpp:470] setup(): Starting Timekeeper...
[I][timekeeper.cpp:151] timepulse_init(): Timepulse: internal (ESP32 hardware timer)
[I][timesync.cpp:52] timesync_request(): [10.519] Timeserver sync request seqNo#220 started
[I][main.cpp:477] setup(): Features: OLED LED BATT OTA LORA SDS PACKED WIFI
[I][lorawan.cpp:79] lora_setupForNetwork(): DEVaddr: 0x26012140 | Network ID: 0x000013 | Network Type: 0
[I][lorawan.cpp:80] lora_setupForNetwork(): RSSI: 27 | SNR: 7
[I][lorawan.cpp:84] lora_setupForNetwork(): Radio parameters: SF7 | BW125 | CR 4/5
[W][timesync.cpp:234] timesync_serverAnswer(): [21.604] Network did not answer time request
[W][timesync.cpp:106] timesync_processReq(): [21.604] Timesync aborted: handshake out of sync
[I][cyclic.cpp:73] doHousekeeping(): Battery: 4160mV
[I][cyclic.cpp:73] doHousekeeping(): Battery: 4204mV
[I][sds011read.cpp:35] sds011_loop(): SDS011 error: 1
[I][senddata.cpp:110] sendData(): Counter cleared
[I][lorawan.cpp:265] lora_send(): 6 byte(s) sent to LORA
[I][cyclic.cpp:73] doHousekeeping(): Battery: 4284mV
[I][cyclic.cpp:73] doHousekeeping(): Battery: 4478mV
[I][sds011read.cpp:35] sds011_loop(): SDS011 error: 1
[I][senddata.cpp:110] sendData(): Counter cleared
[I][lorawan.cpp:265] lora_send(): 6 byte(s) sent to LORA
[I][cyclic.cpp:73] doHousekeeping(): Battery: 4344mV
[I][cyclic.cpp:73] doHousekeeping(): Battery: 4234mV
[I][sds011read.cpp:35] sds011_loop(): SDS011 error: 1
[I][senddata.cpp:110] sendData(): Counter cleared
[I][lorawan.cpp:265] lora_send(): 6 byte(s) sent to LORA
its connected to ttn and i can see payload in ttn-network console / devices --- but not as readable decoded payload ..
ich werde nachher noch mal mein Teil hier testen. Ich habe mich bisher damit zufrieden gegeben, wenn ich Daten in der TTN-Console in hex gesehen habe.
Ah, ich sehe:
[I][sds011read.cpp:35] sds011_loop(): SDS011 error: 1
Irgendetwas klappt in der Kommunikation nicht. Läuft der Sensor überhaupt (hörbar)?
yes the SDS011 starts when the whole setup is switched on, but does not stop!
Maybe we made a mistake when compiling the code! We use the Paxcounter ttgo2,1new.
Do you have to add anything else from the Generic.h to the board file? We inserted the block with the SDS011.
Your wiring / pin mapping is wrong, using same pins for serial and SPI. This can't work.
define SDS_TX 19 // connect to RX on the SDS011
define SDS_RX 23 // connect to TX on the SDS011
define LORA_MISO (19)
define LORA_RST (23)
@cyberman54 I have the same settings here. I will check it.
in the file sds011read.cpp can you please outcomment the calls to sleep and wakeup, e.g.:
void sds011_sleep(void) { ESP_LOGI(TAG, "SDS011: set to sleep"); //sdsSensor.sleep(); isSDS011Active = false; }
@cyberman54 I have the same settings here. I will check it.
Maybe your device has no LORA chip?
The wiring is now correct. I change the pins in the board config. Now the TTN Paxcounter receive data from SDS011 but the sensor doesn´t sleep! I have tried to commend it out, no way! furthermore sends the sds over port 1 and make a misstake in paxes. i tried to change the port but i failed.
and yes, our device has a lora chip.
thanks and a good day
here is the pinout of the board:
which pins did yopu use?
wakeup/sleeping of the sensor is handled in sds011read.cpp, functions _sds011wakeup() and _sds011sleep(). In these functions simply the sensor is called. Are these calls commented out?
I checked the workings of this in a tiny piece of code which did nothing else than putting the sensor to sleep, wait 10 seconds, wakeup and wait again 10 seconds - and so on. This worked here so I copied the code to the PaxCounter-code and didn't look at this topic again (I had much more problems with the LoRaWAN-connection).
I use the pins PIO34 and PIO35.
The sds011_wakeup() and sds011_sleep() is uncommented. Our Setup sends into the TTN. I encrypt the Hex and put the data in a grafana overview. But the SDS dont sleep. it is not so good for battery lifetime.
greets and thanks
@x-RoNiN-x I try to find the reason for this.
Currently I can only confirm this behaviour.
We now have a configuration that works for us. The Paxcounter sends Pax Temp Hum Pres Air every minute. The Sds sends its data every 5 minutes, to the TTN. We test this configuration a little longer!
what did you change in the code/configuration?
I played with different configurations:
And I had the effect that sleep() worked, but not wakeup()
I am playing with a minimal program to test this behaviour. This tiny little piece of code works on a Arduino-board, but not with the ESP32....
Hi, I tested it longer yesterday. There is a problem that you seem to have. The SDS has an initialization time of 30 seconds as soon as it is connected to power. Then the time that the paxcounter sends to the ttn is no longer correct. So switch everything on until the fan stops rotating and carry out a soft reset at this moment. The problem can be solved in the code. But I'm not a born programmer :-D
I use the SDS with a Paxcounter v 1.6. In the hal folder it is the ttgov21new.h.
// SDS011 dust sensor settings
// used pins on the ESP-side:
The error will be that the SDS and the Paxcounter run differently. You would have to give the SDS the command to start and stop! See also the .ino from the AirRohr project Stuttgart! Here at line 220, 533, 565,
the lines from 1781 are interesting!!!
Hi there, we have found a solution to our problem and no longer need any information. thank you for your patience. greets
hi cyberman -- ich habe heute die neuste software auf meinen paxcounter gespielt, hal etc entsprechend angepasst, payload encoder / decoder im ttn angepasst aber ich bekomme keine lesbaren daten mehr vom paxcounter -- die vorlagen habe ich aus dem generic geholt und in meine srx/hal ttgo21new eingefügt -- beim powerup läuft der sds einmal an, macht aber danach nix mehr - der pax zählt brav, sendet nix ins ttn, der sds (vorher klassisch in nem feinstaubsensor vom okLAB stuttgart mit nodeMCU eingebaut) macht nach einmaligen starten nix mehr ....
kann ich irgendwas noch testen -- ich befürchte mit meiner beschreibung ist das eher wie stochern im heuhaufen nach der nadel .....