cyberman54 / ESP32-Paxcounter

Wifi & BLE driven passenger flow metering with cheap ESP32 boards
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Payload after switching of wifi_scan via ttn uplink wrong. #642

Closed ChrSchultz closed 3 years ago

ChrSchultz commented 3 years ago

the standard payload with wifi and ble is 2 Byte wifi and 2 Byte ble. eg. 00 1D 00 03 for for 11 wifi and 3 ble if I switch wifi_scan to off via Uplink on port 2 with 17 00 the payload will be for ble: 03 00 and will be interpretet by decoder with pax: 3 , wifi: 3 it should be 00 00 00 03 for ble: 3


cyberman54 commented 3 years ago

fixed. Thanks for spotting this bug.

cyberman54 commented 3 years ago