cyberman54 / ESP32-Paxcounter

Wifi & BLE driven passenger flow metering with cheap ESP32 boards
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The Things Stack V3 payload decoder integration #736

Closed Drasek closed 3 years ago

Drasek commented 3 years ago

Hello Cyberman54,

the payload decoder in the things stack v3 works a bit different than the one in v2, so i do provide both decoders (packed and plain) further down. I made them V3 compatible and did harmonize some of the valuenames (battery -> voltage, temp -> cputemp) between both versions. I did include the converting faunctions into the decoder as well, because there is only one function in the backend in v3. I named them "packed_decodeUplink.js" and "plain_decodeUplink.js" after the new function, maybe you could commit them to this repo:

Drasek commented 3 years ago

hekopath commented 3 years ago

Thank you for writing the new decoders. Is there a reference for the mentioned hamonisation of valuenames? In most cases the payload temperature will contain ambient and not the cpu temperature. This can be misleading

Drasek commented 3 years ago

Its just 2 values, one is "battery" (used in the plain decoder) which is now "voltage" (used in the packed decoder and now in both) and if you have a look in the if statement for port === 2 (plain decoder) there is the value named "temp" while it is the "cputemp" (packed decoder). It gets transmitted together with "uptime", "memory" - so we talk about the cpu or board temperature in this case and not the ambient temperature.

cyberman54 commented 3 years ago

Thanks for your contribution! Unfortunately i am not yet into v3, need to find some time to dive in. Do your decoders work for v2 and v3, or is this a v3 only topic?

If they run with v2, shall we do a breaking change? Or offer them as additional option?

hekopath commented 3 years ago

Its just 2 values, one is "battery" (used in the plain decoder) which is now "voltage" (used in the packed decoder and now in both) and if you have a look in the if statement for port === 2 (plain decoder) there is the value named "temp" while it is the "cputemp" (packed decoder). It gets transmitted together with "uptime", "memory" - so we talk about the cpu or board temperature in this case and not the ambient temperature.

Thank you for clarification. I did not realize that there is a difference between the two versions. When I first read it, I related the "harmonization" to the v3 stack.

Drasek commented 3 years ago

The decoder only work for V3 (thats why i changed the name), i would add them into "src/TTN". In the first few lines inside the decoder, in the comment, there is a description where to put them on the v3 console (website). I can share a screenshot...


The new decoding function without content: function decodeUplink(input) { return { data: { bytes: input.bytes }, warnings: [], errors: [] }; }

Now you get one object with port and bytes instead of two variables (v2) and as return value you can give warnings and errors as well. The functions i provide follow this new code and while i was at it is i ereased the differences between the plain and packed output. Ohh and i included one more decoding option for people who use the sds011 particle matter sensor with the paxcounter. the decoding from payloads containing this information was missing.

hekopath commented 3 years ago

If TTN stay at their announcment: "Warning The Things Network is shutting down v2 clusters later this year. Start moving your applications and devices to a v3 cluster!" The breaking change will be forced by TTN. As far as i can see there are several services/integrations (TTN Mapper for Example) which does not work with v3 at the moment. Probably a new branch is an option. Espacially if there are more changes for the v3 specific documentation.

cyberman54 commented 3 years ago

Added to new folder /src/TTNv3. Thanks for the contributing!