cyberman54 / ESP32-Paxcounter

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ttgo LoRa32 v1 does not have an SD card, and enabling it prevents the LoRa radio from working #831

Closed faceless2 closed 2 years ago

faceless2 commented 2 years ago

As title.

The symptoms, prior to this patch, are exactly as described by @DierkJ in - specifically the ASSERT at radio.c line 801 fails.

The solution was lifted from the @DierkJ fork (thanks!) after I realised he had the same hardware as me, and disabling HAS_SDCARD was all that was needed to get the device transmitting and linked to TheThingsNetwork.

The photo of my board is identical to the one in that issue - @cyberman54 you stated

This is not the "original" TTGO T1, looks like a fake Heltec board.

but I believe it is an original "TTGO LoRa32 v1" as it matches the photographs at and exactly. And there's no SD card.