cyberman54 / ESP32-Paxcounter

Wifi & BLE driven passenger flow metering with cheap ESP32 boards
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setup continuous integration #87

Closed FlorianLudwig closed 1 year ago

FlorianLudwig commented 6 years ago

run build on very commit:

cp src/loraconf.sample.h src/loraconf.h
pip install platformio==3.6.0a1
platformio run -e heltec -e ttgov1 -e ttgov2 -e ttgov21 -e ttgobeam -e fipy -e lopy -e lopy4 -e lolin32lite -e lolin32

maybe even check for code guideline violations.

I would like to go with gitlab-ci as a ci system. This would (more long term) allow for a custom runner that does not just build but also deploys on a board and does some simple checks if it still works.

cyberman54 commented 6 years ago

CI within github was on my wishlist / todolist. Thanks for this enhancement.

Now we miss CD by OTA, maybe later by FUOTA :-)

FlorianLudwig commented 6 years ago

@cyberman54 so you are fine with gitlab-ci?

Actually I created a ci pipeline over at to test it some time ago:

For the next level: @heerben Can you discus with Marius how to setup a gitlab runner that is able to put a fipy into flash-mode, reboot it, flash it, put it back into normal mode and reboot it again ;) Thanks

OTA... well, ... That might actually be easier since there are less security concerns with people being able to execute arbitrary on a device/vm with access some level of access to the usb-subsystem plus being in your local network.

cyberman54 commented 6 years ago


cyberman54 commented 6 years ago

But we need platformio 3.6 for CI. Otherwise automatic upload size limit adaption to the flash partition table resizing won't work.

Current: PlatformIO, version 3.6.0a1

lyusupov commented 5 years ago

FYI: you may consider to try this: (USB-over-TCP, port 7575) as a tool for:

This works for me. I have build server in a cloud and the target board is local. Flashing speed is low but still acceptable. Stability of connection is good: 24+ hours.

t-huyeng commented 1 year ago

Since the first basic workflow is now part of this repo next steps as mentioned in #903 :

~- [ ] Check why Linux- Cache is 630mb big~ ~- [ ] improve test coverage by automatically changing certain #define settings in paxcounter.conf (those which control compiler build options : WIFICOUNTER, BLECOUNTER, BOOTMENU, USE_OTA)~

t-huyeng commented 1 year ago

@FlorianLudwig you test for each board with a separate environment if I understand: platformio run -e heltec -e ttgov1 -e ttgov2 -e ttgov21 -e ttgobeam -e fipy -e lopy -e lopy4 -e lolin32lite -e lolin32 correctly. Did you also have a way of testing for different halfiles?

cyberman54 commented 1 year ago

@t-huyeng the comment refers to an earlier version of paxcounter, which had no build logic with hal files for different boards, because all boards used the same board base type ("esp32dev"). Thus, it was possible to build code for different environments this way. Meanwhile a build logic with hal files was added to paxcounter which made this more complex by using a script. This came in as different board types came up. If you find a better way to support different board types, please let uns know. Thank you!

t-huyeng commented 1 year ago

I updated the build script to support a ENV CI_HALFILE for the halfile see #906.

t-huyeng commented 1 year ago

Maybe it would also be enough to run the CI only on approved pull-requests and pushes to the master.

cyberman54 commented 1 year ago

Maybe it would also be enough to run the CI only on approved pull-requests and pushes to the master.

Yes, sure.

t-huyeng commented 1 year ago

For this

reduce runtime to run only on approved pull requests and pushes to master

I would set the settings for the action to this (if not already done) : image

or maybe even to Require approval for all outside collaborators then you (@cyberman54) or somebody with the rights can approve a the workflow during a pull_request.

cyberman54 commented 1 year ago

This setting is already in place for the repository,

cyberman54 commented 1 year ago

This was done!