cyberman54 / ESP32-Paxcounter

Wifi & BLE driven passenger flow metering with cheap ESP32 boards
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Unable to build, missing EEPROM.h & missing reset_reasons.h #895

Closed t-huyeng closed 1 year ago

t-huyeng commented 1 year ago

I am not able to build the current master version with platformio + vscode.

Processing usb (framework: arduino; board: esp32dev; platform: espressif32@3.4.0)

.pio\libdeps\usb\ezTime\src\ezTime.cpp:10:22: fatal error: EEPROM.h: No such file or directory

I can temporarily fix this by adding #include "EEPROM.h" to main.h.


include/reset.h:5:31: fatal error: soc/reset_reasons.h: No such file or directory

I can not find the reset_reasons.h file in the repo.

Is there a known fix for me? @cyberman54

cyberman54 commented 1 year ago

You are using a very old version of paxcounter: Processing usb (framework: arduino; board: esp32dev; platform: espressif32@3.4.0) The current version does not use ezTime any more, and is using platform espressif32@5.1.0 Check your toolchain and make sure you're using the current version of this repository.

If you had cloned the repo before and updated the code, make sure to copy platformio_org.ini to platformio.ini before build.

t-huyeng commented 1 year ago

You are right, sorry about that. Used my old platformio.ini ...