cyberman54 / ESP32-Paxcounter

Wifi & BLE driven passenger flow metering with cheap ESP32 boards
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Ratio measured WiFi devices vs. Bluetooth devices #974

Closed ClemensGruber closed 1 year ago

ClemensGruber commented 1 year ago

We had set up one pax counter for a regular event (OpenHaus) at ZK/U Berlin to see how many people participate and how the distribution over time is: (German only but you can find a globe under every posting for (auto)translation).

In a test setting before at home I observed more WiFi devices than Bluetooth, also: Bluetooth is deactivated by default via #define BLECOUNTER 0 // set to 0 if you do not want to start the BLE sniffer in paxcounter[_orig].conf so I assumed that the counted Wifi devices are "the standard" and relevant data and not Bluetooth.

But the data from the OpenHaus event show now that Wifi devices over time are more or less stable with a baseline between 5 and 20 devices while the Bluetooth devices go up to 80 devices and representing in the run also the "felt" movement of people:

So my question to the crowd is: Did you observe similar ratios between WiFi and Bluetooth devices in Germany and is this "normal" or do I have a mismatch in the telemetry chain and swaped BLE and WiFi at some point, I have slightly adjusted the payload decoder (provided by TTN by choosing pax counter as device), but see no mistake on my side till now.

cyberman54 commented 1 year ago

BLE values are usually up to ten times higher than Wifi values. Reasons are:

I'm closing this, because it's not an issue. For further questions / discussions, please move to discussion tab.