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Hardware support for T-Beam V1.2 with AXP2101 #990

Open XAct-6510 opened 9 months ago

XAct-6510 commented 9 months ago

Please add support for the new version of the Lilygo T-Beam V1.2 with the new power management chip AXP2101.

cyberman54 commented 9 months ago

Can you provide link to specs of v1.2

XAct-6510 commented 9 months ago

Hi, thanks for your reply! Here are the links: AXP2101 chip:

cyberman54 commented 9 months ago

In all your links, i can't find a schematic or specs for v1.2, it all renders as v1.1?

XAct-6510 commented 9 months ago

Yes, they hid this fact pretty well, unfortunately. By changing the PMU from AXP192 to AXP2102 they have changed the versioning from 1.1 to 1.2. Please see the screenshot.


cyberman54 commented 8 months ago

@XAct-6510 i checked the Xpowerslib example, and found that there is some refactoring of power.cpp needed. Could you do this, and make a PR?

XAct-6510 commented 8 months ago

Unfortunately I'm not a programmer, I'm a networking guy... But I can provide you one of my 5 T-Beam V1.2 if that helps.

cyberman54 commented 8 months ago

@XAct-6510 not necessary, because if i would code it, you could test it on your board. But currently i have no time to code this.

XAct-6510 commented 8 months ago

As mentioned I'm not a programmer, but maybe this can be used? The T-Beam V1.2 comes preinstalled with the Meshtastic firmware, which obviously works with the new hardware revision.

cyberman54 commented 8 months ago

i saw that, but would stick to the example code of XPowersLib, because Meshtastic has more complexity. But again, you or someone else would be welcome to show up with a completely refactored power.cpp

TD-er commented 2 weeks ago

Just for completeness, the schematics of the 1.2 version of the T-beam:

Also they split off the older boards, so here are all the LilyGo LoRa series schematics:

idimou commented 1 week ago

Anybody had a change to look at this guys?

TD-er commented 1 week ago

I am looking into this. First I am ironing out some issues with AXP192 (my PRs have just been merged) and then I will look into the AXP2101.

I have both versions here on my desk, but since those T-beam boards are quite expensive these days, I wanted to make sure I knew how it all should work.