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Implement the Predator-Prey model #12

Closed frnsys closed 6 years ago

frnsys commented 6 years ago

The Predator-Prey (PP) model should consist of a few simple sub-models relating variables such as:

The relationships b/w variables should be parameterized too.

These variables and their relationships should be influenced by the monuments state (#5).

The PP state should have the format:

    'humans': 100,
    'animals': 200,
    'humans->animals': 2, # example relationship parameter 
    'animals->human': -1
dantaeyoung commented 6 years ago

The predator-prey model conceptualizes relationships between actors.

As noted in #8, the predator-prey model is computed from the state change of monuments. However, the model is run by the engine. AKA to use a Loopy metaphor: the model is the atemporal structure of relations between nodes/actors; the engine contains the update loop and makes everything run, and holds a temporal state.

The predator_prey engine is conceptually divided into four parts:

dantaeyoung commented 6 years ago

Currently working with commit d629d22.