cybernetics-library / cybersym

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Simulation description (1 paragraph) #28

Closed frnsys closed 6 years ago

frnsys commented 6 years ago

For the CyberCon program

frnsys commented 6 years ago


The CyberCon Simulation (CyberSym) connects attendee and speaker interations with the Cybernetics Library to a virtual world of interconnected simple systems. When a book is checked out, the ideas contained within that book propagate through The Plane of Monuments, which mediates the real and the virtual, on into the simulated world, TKTK, manifesting as shocks, interventions, revolutions, and revelations that alter that world's dynamics and history. Views of these worlds will be projected so attendees can see the impact of the books they choose and watch the world unfold.

dantaeyoung commented 6 years ago

The CyberCon Simulation (CyberSym) creates a feedback loop between conference speakers and attendees, framing the conference itself as a cybernetic system.

CyberSym connects the Cybernetics Library to a virtual world of interconnected simple systems. When a Library Book is checked out, the ideas contained within that Book propagate through The Plane of Monuments, which mediates the real and the virtual; then into the simulated world, The Sphere of Encounters, manifesting as shocks, interventions, revolutions, and revelations that alter the world's dynamics and history.

Views of these worlds will be projected, so attendees can see the impact of the books they choose and watch the world unfold. Finally, after each speaker, The Planet of Encounters will collectively formulate a question for each speaker to respond to.

frnsys commented 6 years ago

this sounds great! I'll put it in the program